
Showing posts from March, 2010

FREE Money Time and More

Here's some information on another grant opportunity available for UACCM students. See the Financial Aid Office for more information on this and other scholarships. UACCM will soon begin awarding Trauma Scholarship Grants for the current spring 2010 semester and the fall 2010 semester. To be eligible, students must be enrolled in the 8 hour EMT class. The grants are also awarded based on financial need of the student with preference going to students that do not qualify for other types of need-based aid (excluding student loans). Six scholarships in the amount of $455 each will be awarded for the Spring 2010 semester. Six scholarships in the amount of $455 each will be awarded for the Fall 2010 semester. Applicants must complete a UACCM Scholarship Application . Please note on the scholarship application that you are applying for the EMT Scholarship. DEADLINE: April 16, 2010 Tomorrow's Events The Spring 2010 UACCM Job Fair is coming up tomorrow, April 1 from 11...

Who Says Video Games and College Don't Mix?

For those of you who find it hard to put down your XBOX 360, PS3, or wii controller long enough to make it to class, you're in luck! Your UACCM SGA is bringing your favorite gaming systems on campus tomorrow, March 30 for a 5-hour long tournament/free play from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm in Union Station. The event will feature XBOX 360s, PS3s and wiis set up with huge projection screens giving you the opportunity to challenge your buddy in a tournament or free play by yourself or with a group. Be sure to stop by between classes to play Halo, Guitar Hero, etc. and have some fun. If you're enrolled in a spring "B" or 10-week class, tomorrow is the last day (so you'll have NO excuse for not stopping by for a game!) If you'd like to help plan events like this throughout the year, it's time to join the Student Government Association! If you're already a member, maybe it's time to become an officer, and now's your chance. The deadline to apply for a sp...

A Job Fair, TEAS Test Dates, and Another Break!

Good morning, UACCM and welcome back! We hope you enjoyed your spring break and are ready to get back to class and finish out the semester. Here are a few things you need to be aware of over the next few weeks in addition to all of the scheduled meetings and events you see to the left: The UACCM Spring 2010 Job Fair is coming up this Thursday, April 1. The event will be held from 11:00 am-1:00 pm in Union Station in the Kirk Building  and will feature dozens of employers including: ACN, AFLAC, AR Army National Guard, AR Dept. of Corrections, AR Dept. of Education- Teacher Recruitment & Retention, Atkins Care Center, Avon, Bosch, Conway County Literacy Council, Experience Work, Inc., Freyaldenhoven Heating & Cooling, Girl Scouts – Diamonds of AR, OK, TX, Mary Kay Cosmetics, MassMutual Financial Group, Riverview Healthcare Center, Max Media of Arkansas, Primerica Financial Services, Schlumberger, Technical Corp., St. Anthony’s Medical Center, Southwestern Energy Company, ...

School Counts! Receives Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation Grant

UACCM is the recipient of a $125,000 grant designed to increase high school graduation rates and improve higher education levels among students in Conway County. The Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation announced that its grant will help the Conway County School Counts! Initiative by providing support to coordinate the project. Previously, the School Counts Initiative was managed by volunteers. “This grant enables the University of Arkansas Community College at Morrilton to provide much needed project coordination support to the initiative and strengthen its efforts to increase high school graduation rates reduce poverty,” said Dr. Sherece West, president and CEO of the Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation. “This funding will be used to promote the value of higher education, advocate for and monitor students’ progress, and work with local business and industry leaders to identify workforce training needs.” The grant is for three years and targets high school students and community membe...

UACCM Foundation Golf Tournament Coming Up

Fore! The UACCM Foundation is making preparations for its fifth annual “Links for Learning” fundraising golf tournament. The three-person scramble tournament is scheduled for Thursday, May 20, 2010 at the Morrilton Country Club with a 10:00 a.m. shotgun start. The cost of entry for the tournament is $75 per person or $225 for each three-person team. Players will receive access to a golf cart, snacks and beverages throughout the day, lunch, access to an awards ceremony reception, and a gift bag with each paid entry fee. The awards ceremony reception will be held in the Morrilton Country Club dining room following the tournament, and prizes will be awarded for top scorers in three flights. There will be a hole-in-one contest with the opportunity to win a John Deere lawnmower, a putting contest, and chances to improve overall scores through donations. Door prizes will be awarded throughout the day in the clubhouse, and prizes will also be given for longest drive and closest to the pin w...

SGA Officer Elections...Deadline April 2!

SGA announces NEW OFFICER ELECTIONS! Check your UACCM e-mail for an application form or stop by Union Station to apply. Deadline to apply is Friday, April 2 Candidates may campaign on campus Monday, April 12 through Wednesday, April 14 Election will be held Thursday, April 15 New officer induction will be held Tuesday, April 20 at the SGA Senate meeting Here are the criteria for officers: All candidates must be enrolled for a minimum of 6 credit hours at UACCM  Must have served one (1) semester as a member of the SGA Senate Must have a minimum GPA of 2.5 while serving on the Senate The following offices will be declared open for election: SGA President - Presidential candidates should assume the named duties: Presiding over all meetings, committee appointments, and other duties as needed or assigned. Vice President - Vice Presidential candidates should assume the named duties: Public relations/advertising, presiding over...

FREE Eden's Edge Concert Coming up at UACCM

(REMINDER: Class cancelations and other quick info. now posted in Twitter feed at top of this page!) Eden’s Edge, a music trio originally from Arkansas, will present a concert at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 1 in the UACCM Fine Arts Auditorium. The band, described as today's country with wings and roots, is noted as "standing on the brink of their wildest dreams coming true" with a unique sound featuring the guitar, mandolin and dobro along with stunning vocals. The concert at UACCM is being offered free of charge and is open to the public. Band members Hannah Blaylock, Cherrill Green, and Dean Berner followed their music from Arkansas to Nashville, Tennessee in 2007. Since moving there, they have signed a management deal and have been writing and recording a new album while taking their show on the road all around the country. Eden’s Edge is quickly catching the attention of the music industry—recently opening for Randy Travis and being featured in several publica...

Thursday, March 18 Events

Just in: Todd Steffy's classes are canceled today. Good morning, UACCM! Spring break is near! Only a couple of days worth of classes stand between you and a weeklong vacation! Here are a few things going on today, in case you've missed them: Drunk & Dangerous/Get Carded Safe Spring Break Activity, 11:00 am-1:00 pm, sidewalk between BTC and FA buildings. Come by and race some remote controlled cars while wearing vision impaired goggles. Bring your student I.D. and you'll get "carded" to win some free stuff. The Safe Spring Break Week 2010 wraps up today with this event.  Meetings, meetings, meetings! Check out the student organizations that are meeting today as well as the times and locations of the meetings on the left of this page.  The Intramural Sports Partner Fitness Challenge, 12:10 pm, Union Station . Grab a partner and head to Union Station to test your stamina and endurance while doing sit-ups, push-ups, an obstacle course, a relay ...

UACCM Chancellor Crook Announces Retirement

Chancellor Nathan Crook, who has led the University of Arkansas Community College at Morrilton (UACCM) through a period of phenomenal change and growth, has announced that he will retire as chancellor on June 30, 2010. At that time, Crook will have led UACCM for 25 years as only the second leader in the near 50 year history of the institution. He succeeded Thurston Kirk in 1985 as director of then Petit Jean Vocational-Technical School. Crook joined Senator Allen Gordon of Morrilton to champion Act 1244 of 1991, which enabled 14 of the 24 post-secondary vocational-technical schools in Arkansas to convert to two-year colleges. According to Crook, “The greatest challenge of my career was the period from 1988 to 1990 when I worked with Senator Gordon, Senator Nick Wilson, and Representatives Jody Mahoney and John Miller on Act 1244. As a result of this act, these campuses now have much broader offerings and serve thousands more Arkansans each year than they did prior to 1990. I am very p...

The Hunt is Over! Fitness Challenge & Concert Coming Up!

Congrats to UACCM students Elizabeth Manning and Julie Emery (see photo with UACCM SGA Member Clayton Crotts), who just found the SGA Scavenger Hunt item! For their efforts, they win a Nintendo Wii gaming system complete with games. Thanks to all who participated! Now, on to the next event... Thursday, March 18 is the date for the Intramural Partner Fitness Challenge. Beginning at 12:10 p.m. at Union Station, it will feature five events for you and your most physically fit partner. Here are the events: Sit-ups Push-ups Obstacle course Relay run Tug of war Awards will be given to the first place male team, female team, and faculty/staff team. Each participant will get a t-shirt, and the winners will get a shiny new medal (and who doesn't like shiny things?) Each event will be timed (except tug of war) and points will be given on the place each team finishes. The team members with the most points at the end will be ...

The Ultimate Internship

Attn: Students interested in journalism, marketing, graphic design, business, and computer information systems The Arkansas Business Publishing Group announces The Publisher: The Ultimate Internship! The internship will be at the Arkansas Business Publishing Group headquarters in Little Rock from June 1 to August 6, 2010. (There will be a one-week break from July 5 – 9). This experience will give you the chance to work side by side with professionals at the state’s largest publishing company, the Arkansas Business Publishing Group. Starting June 1, interns work 40 hours per week, get paid, and compete for a $1,000 first place and $500 second place cash prize. Positions are open in editorial, information technology, graphic design, advertising sales, and marketing. The application deadline is March 31. You may get more information and a downloadable application at the following link:

Monday, March 15: Let Safe Spring Break Week Begin

It may be Monday, but doesn't knowing that next Monday will mark the beginning of your spring break week make it so much easier? One class cancelation to start the day off: Lewis Hunt (biology instructor) is out, and his classes are canceled today. Did you notice our new Twitter feed at the top of this blog page? From now on, class cancelations will be posted there instead of here in our blog posts so we can reserve the space here for more...umm... interesting reading. There will be exceptions, of the case that half of the entire UACCM faculty is out due to swine flu, bird flu, or some other pandemic, we'll take the space in the blog to tell you about it (that would certainly be interesting enough reading). If you want to follow us on Twitter, click the link up top. We'll gladly let you tag along.  It's Safe Spring Break week! Click here to read more about all the activities going on this week, and click here to read about how to win a Wii gaming pa...

It's Friday! Next week's events...

Happy Friday, UACCM! One class cancelation today: Tina Lake (art instructor) is out today, and her classes are canceled. March 15-19, 2010: "Road Trip 2010" Safe Spring Break/SGA Scavenger Hunt! It's almost that time...SPRING BREAK! Whether you're headed to the beach, taking a road trip, or just catching up on some sleep, there are several things coming up next week which will provide a lot of FREE fun and prizes throughout the week. The week is marked as "Road Trip 2010" Safe Spring Break, an event which will feature all this and more:  Monday, March 15, 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. @ Union Station - Experience driving under the influence with the DUI Motion Simulator. Participants will also have the opportunity to race three giant tricycles on a race track while wearing impaired-vision goggles. Get free stuff for participating! Tuesday, March 16, 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. @ Union Station - Come by and play Root Beer Pong and Baggo! More free stuff! Wedn...

Thursday, March 11 Class Cancelations and Events

Here are a few class cancelations for today: Traci Caldwell (English instructor) is out, and all of her classes today are canceled Danna Crook (academic achievement instructor) - ONLY 12:55 pm class canceled Jonathan Snipes - ONLY 3:45 pm class canceled Holocaust Survivor Margit Meissner will present accounts of her experiences during the Holocaust today at noon in H.B. White Auditorium at Morrilton High School and at 7:00 p.m. in the UACCM Fine Arts Auditorium. Both events are being offered free and are open to members of the public of all ages. Margit was born February 26, 1922 in Innsbruck, Austria, and she and her family moved to Prague, Czechoslovakia shortly after her birth. Margit spoke a number of languages with her family including Czech, French, German, and English. In 1938, attacks on Jews in central Europe escalated, and her parents decided she should leave secondary school in Prague and set out for Paris, France alone, where she would study dressmaking. Eventua...

The Hunt is (Almost) On!

Next week marks the Student Government Association's Scavenger Hunt! The hunt begins on Monday, March 15 and ends on Friday, March 19 (or until the object is found). Clues will be posted in Union Station at 10:00 am each day until it's found! Read on for rules, tips, etc.:  The object will be visible to the naked eye. There will be no need to disassemble anything to find the object. The object will not be on, in, or on top of any UACCM building. There will be no need to climb on or go inside of a building to find the object. The object will be located outdoors on the UACCM campus. There will be no need to uncover a manhole or any piece of maintenance equipment. Once the object is found, please follow listed instructions. The winner of the SGA Scavenger Hunt 2010 will receive a complete Nintendo Wii Game system including the games  Guitar Hero 5 , Super Mario Brothers , and Active Fitness Kit . Keep your eyes peeled and good luck!

Wed., Mar. 10 Class Cancelations / Last Call for Japan!

Class cancelations today: All of Susan Pardee's (academic achievement instructor) classes are canceled today  Cindy Thompson (business instructor) is out, and her classes are canceled today So, Are You Chinese or Japanese? Two UACCM instructors will lead students and interested community members to discover the mystery of Japan on an EF Educational Tour this May. Those who want to earn three hours credit now have the opportunity to enroll in general education elective studying Japan. The course and trip will be part of UACCM’s May Intersession course offerings. Karen Caig and Lyndsey Daniel, who will teach the course, will survey Japanese history, politics, literature, art, and religion. Both instructors received national grants from the Freeman Institute to learn more about Japan with the Japan Studies Association in a summer institute in Honolulu, Hawaii, Caig in 2008 and Daniel in 2009. They are eager to share their expertise. In today's global society, s...

Tuesday, March 9 Class Cancelations/Disc Golf is Here!

NOTE: Anita Fowler's 6:00 pm Comp II class is canceled tonight. Good morning, UACCM. Only one class cancelation so far today: Dana Strassle (physical science/biology) is out and her classes are canceled TODAY: American Red Cross Blood Drive 10:00 am-4:00 pm @ Bloodmobile; SGA BINGO day: 11:00 am-1:00 pm, Union Station (don't forget your I.D. to win some amazing prizes for free!) Disc golf is here! UACCM has a new disc golf course open for use by students and employees. Located near the center of campus (around the creek), the course features nine holes ranging from 121 to 316 feet in distance. Stop by Union Station to check out a set of discs or bring your own from home for a quick game anytime. Scorecards and a course map are also available in Union Station and have been sent to your UACCM e-mail address.   UACCM Intramural Sports will sponsor a disc golf tournament in April, so get practiced up now, and scout out your team for the tournament!

Award-Winning Music Students-Concert Coming Up!

Recently, several student members of the UACCM Music Department competed at the National Association of Teachers of Singing student competition at Henderson State University. Students from several two and four-year colleges throughout Arkansas competed in the competition. Five UACCM students advanced to the semi-final round: Candie Arnold of Little Rock, Jackson Flowers of Morrilton, Aubrey Hoult of Russellville, Kim Stone of London, and Kendra Thomas of Conway. Thomas advanced to the final round and received a third place overall award in the freshman women category. During the competition, students were required to prepare and memorize three classical songs, one being sung in a foreign language. In the preliminary round, students’ techniques were judged for proficiency according to their ages. In the semi-final round, students competed directly against other semi-finalists and received a score, with the top three highest-scoring students advancing to the final round to perform i...

March 8-12 (and beyond) Campus Events

NOTE: Two class cancelations today: Anita Fowler's classes are canceled for the remainder of the day, and Dana Strassle's 5:00-7:50 pm earth science class is also canceled. Welcome back to UACCM after a b-e-a-utiful weekend. Hope you all got a chance to enjoy it. Take a look at some of the FREE events coming up today and in the next couple of weeks. Monday, March 8 and Tuesday, March 9 - The American Red Cross Bloodmobile is on campus today and will return tomorrow to take your blood! If you're interested in helping save a life by giving blood, stop by the giant Bloodmobile, currently located near the Science Building, before 3:00 pm today and from 10:00 am-3:00 pm tomorrow. Tuesday, March 9 and Wednesday, March 11 will mark the next SGA BINGO days at UACCM! Stop by Union Station anytime from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm either day to play BINGO and win some amazing prizes including Zune mp3 players, a Garmin GPS, blu-ray player, and more. All games are free with student I.D., ...

FREE Money Time / Another Record-Breaking Enrollment

If you stopped by the spring transfer fair yesterday, you probably found out tons of information about transferring to a number of four-year colleges in Arkansas. If you're interested in Arkansas Tech University, read on to find out about their transfer scholarship opportunities. Any student planning to transfer to Arkansas Tech University for the Fall 2010 semester who has completed 30 to 60 hours of college classes can apply for a transfer scholarship to ATU. ATU allows the UACCM Scholarship Committee to select one student each spring for this scholarship, and preference will be given to students graduating with an AA degree in May 2010. This scholarship will pay up to $2550 per semester and is renewable for two years as long as the student maintains 15 hours with a 3.25 GPA. Applicants must complete a UACCM scholarship application in the Financial Aid Office.                    ...

2010 PTK Inductees Announced

The Beta Eta Sigma chapter of Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) at UACCM recently inducted 19 new members during a ceremony in the UACCM Fine Arts Auditorium. The ceremony featured guest speaker and UACCM employee Bobbi Yarbrough who spoke to new members about the challenges of maintaining excellent grades in college while meeting obligations of family and full-time work. New members inducted include: Conway/Perry counties: Tommy Joe Cothern of Morrilton, Cher-Ann Barnett of Houston, Kenneth Fugate of Morrilton, and Stephanie Yancey of Springfield Faulkner County: Bethany Ahne of Conway, Brittany Hand of Vilonia, Samantha Porter of Conway, Shawna Shannon of Greenbrier, and Tiffany Sutton of Greenbrier Pope/Yell counties: Kayla Bumgarner of Danville, Shanta Cecil of Dardanelle, Veo Condley of Atkins, Glen Henke of Atkins, April Hudson of Dover, Jamie LaGrange of Atkins, and Sharon Metzer of Dover Lonoke County: Carlton Hodge and Ethan Frazier of Cabot Van Buren County: Brenda Parker of Alread...

Transfer Fair/Registration/Other News

Did you know that Wednesday, March 3 is set aside to observe four holidays? Here they are:  "I want you to be happy" Day National Anthem Day Peace Corps Day "What if cats and dogs had opposable thumbs?" Day (my personal favorite) Anyway, today also marks the UACCM Transfer Fair! If you plan on transferring to another college after UACCM, the transfer fair is your chance to visit with representatives from the following institutions: Arkansas Student Loan Authority Arkansas State University Arkansas Tech University Baptist Health Schools Little Rock Central Baptist College Central Baptist College – P.A.C.E. Ecclesia College Henderson State University Louisiana Tech University Southern Arkansas University University of Arkansas at Fayetteville University of Arkansas at Fort Smith UAMS College of Nursing UAMS College of Health Related Professions University of Arkansas at Monticello University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff University of Central Arkans...

Margit Meissner: Surviving the Holocaust (FREE presentations)

UACCM is honored to bring an individual to the area who survived one of the most horrific events in history: The Holocaust. Margit Meissner will present an account of her experiences on Thursday, March 11 at 12:00 noon in H.B. White Auditorium at Morrilton High School and at 7:00 p.m. in the UACCM Fine Arts Auditorium. The events are being offered free and are open to the public. Margit was born February 26, 1922 in Innsbruck, Austria, and she and her family moved to Prague, Czechoslovakia shortly after her birth. Her father was a banker from a religious Jewish family in Bohemia and her mother came from a Viennese family of Jewish origin. Margit spoke a number of languages with her family including Czech, French, German, and English. In 1938, attacks on Jews in central Europe escalated, and her parents decided she should leave secondary school in Prague and set out for Paris, France alone, where she would study dressmaking. Eventually, her mother moved to France as well, ...

Tuesday, March 2 News

Here are a couple of class cancelations today: Nancy Patterson (business instructor) is out today, and her classes are canceled Cynthia Minguez (academic achievement instructor) is also out, and her classes are canceled. (Be sure to check ANGEL for a newly-posted assignment!) How does live music, popcorn, and drinks sound? How about if it's FREE? "Some Guy Named Robb" will be on campus this Thursday, March 4 from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm in Union Station to entertain UACCM. Take a look at some of Robb's performances here: Stop by between classes and check it out, and have some free popcorn and drinks while you're at it. It's all being provided by your Student Government Association.

Snow Days Aren't Always Free!

A message from UACCM Vice Chancellor of Instructor Diana Arn: UACCM was closed for three days due to the recent winter weather. The spring semester has been extended to Wednesday, May 5 in order to make up one academic day. The final exam schedule has been modified in order to accommodate this change. Please check with your instructor if you have specific questions. Hope you enjoyed the snowball fights, because it looks like we have to pay for them now!  

We're marching into...well, March

Happy Monday, UACCM! Here's a class cancelation for you today: Traci Caldwell (English instructor) is out today, and her classes are canceled Coming up this week: UACCM Transfer Fair. The annual transfer fair will be held this Wednesday, March 3 from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm in the University Center. Click here to see what representatives will be on campus for the fair. If you're interested in transferring after UACCM, be sure to stop by and get some advice, applications, and free stuff! UACCM Intramural Teams Play in State Tournaments   While UACCM has sponsored an intramural sports program for several years, the past two semesters have represented tremendous growth in participation and success in the program both on and off-campus. The fall 2009 semester marked the first time in program history that a team consisting of UACCM students participated in a state intramurals tournament. The UACCM Draft Picks team was the fall 2009 UACCM intramural flag football champions, an...