
Showing posts from November, 2010

Want to land that dream job?

The Career Pathways office is hosting a campus-wide workshop Wednesday, December 1st at noon in the Fine Arts Auditorium . The workshop will cover Business Etiquette and may be particularly helpful to those students who are graduating. All students, faculty, and staff are invited and encouraged to attend. Career Pathways students: Please remember that you must attend one workshop a semester as part of your Responsibility Agreement. If you cannot attend you must fill out two student activity reports about two functions you’ve attended at UACCM or in the community during the semester. Please see the flyer below for more information on this great workshop. We hope to see you there!

Timberwolves Got Talent!

Don't Forget that today during X-Period (11:50am) we are having Timberwolves Got Talent! Stop by the Fine Arts Auditorium and see students and faculty go head to head for the title of Most Talented Timber Wolf! Please bring a $1 donation to support Relay For Life! There will also be hot dog box lunches for $2! You get to vote on the following acts to see who wins! UACCM Choir Lacy Lewter Kristi Strain Timberwolf Trio - Cande Jaramillo, Justin Maynard, & Tom Mcleod Teachers in Jeopardy - Michael booty, Karen Caig, Traci Caldwell, Lyndsey Daniel, Anita Fowler, Kelly Graham, & Gretchen Schol Village Idiots - Ron Beckman, Dane Blnanchard, Aaron Spivey, & Shannon Vaughn
Welcome back everyone! I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving break! Danny Gifford, Joan Hanna, and Laura Meek have canceled classes for today.


There will be no classes on November 23, 24, or 25 because of Thanksgiving Break! I hope everyone has a great weekend and eats a ton of great food! See you back at school on Monday!
The last day to withdraw from 5-week III, 8-week II or 10-week courses, is Monday, November 22, 2010. Completed drop forms must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office for processing no later than 4:30 p.m. Classes are canceled today for Lewis Hunt (Noon class ONLY) and Larry Lachowsky

Madrigal Feast

The University of Arkansas Community College at Morrilton is inviting everyone in the community to come and enjoy the 2010 UACCM Madrigal Feast . Participants will feel as though they have been transported back in time to 16th century England as they listen to musical performances by the UACCM Concert Choir and enjoy a giant feast fit for the kings of old. It will undoubtedly be an exciting night of great food, live music, and renaissance themed entertainment. Tickets are already available for the evenings of December 4, 10, and 11 at 6:00 pm. The event will be held at the UACCM Leadership Development Institute which is located at 115 East Broadway in downtown Morrilton. The menu will consist of wassail, green leaf salad tossed with sugared pecans and cranberries, pork with an orange and ginger glaze, green beans almandine, duchess potatoes, and flaming caramel apple bread pudding for desert. Coffee and tea will also be available. Each ticket is $25 and can be purchased by contacting...

CIS Club Hosts Video Game Tournament

The University of Arkansas Community College at Morrilton's CIS club is hosting a video game tournament today . The tournament will be for 12 people to go head to head in the extremely popular game 'Call of Duty.' The 12 people will be grouped into 4 teams of 3 and the winning team will be whichever one is left standing at the end of single elimination team play. To make things more interesting, the winning team will then have to play against it's self with every man for himself to claim the Grand Prize of a $50 gift card. The tournament will be held at Union Station during X-Period. Entry fee is $5 per person and you can sign up immediately before play begins.

Arkansas Envirothon

UACCM HOSTS ENVIROTHON Students from high schools around the state could be seen all over the University of Arkansas Community College campus earlier this month. They were there representing their schools in the Central Arkansas Envirothon competition. In an Envirothon, students compete by demonstrating their knowledge of environmental science and natural resource management. There are four main testing categories (soil/land use, aquatic ecology, forestry, and wildlife) and an additional category that deals with a current environmental issue. This year, the issue was the urbanization of freshwater estuaries. Students were asked to perform tasks that varied from identifying types of trees and what they are most commonly used for, to presenting a 20-minute oral presentation in front of a panel of judges. One of the judges was UACCM graduate Blake Walters, who is now the Land Resource Specialist for the Arkansas Natural Resource Commission. The UACCM community was honored to give the...

Safe Room

UACCM BREAKS GROUND ON SAFE ROOM The University of Arkansas Community College at Morrilton recently broken ground on a brand new 329 square-foot safe room . The project, which has been approved by FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, has now officially begun construction after many months of planning and preparation. The safe room is being constructed to provide emergency shelter for the children of the Earle Love Child Care Center as well as other students and faculty within a five minute radius around the building from the devastating impact of a tornado. Most people know that Arkansas is a part of “Tornado Alley,” which is the name given to a large section of the country that has an extremely high risk of tornado activity. What people may not know is that Arkansas has more tornadoes that are a size F3 or higher than all but three other states. F3 tornadoes have winds of more than 160 MPH which are strong enough to tear the roofs off houses or even derail a train. UACC...
Hope you're having a happy tuesday! Karen Caig has canceled her classes for today! Poker Run has been postponed until tuesday of next week!

Don't Be a Turkey!

The Students R HEROES, peer education group, will provide a 2-day event for alcohol & drug education and prevention to emphasize the importance of making healthy, responsible choices during hunting season, the upcoming holidays and semester final exam time. The first day will include games and activities, such as golf cart driving and paint ball target shoot, while wearing drunk-driving goggles. The second day will provide additional activities to emphasize the Great American Smoke Out, as well as making safe and healthy choices. A massage therapist will give free neck and shoulder massages. Various groups and agencies will participate with displays and informational activities. Some of their topics will include: suicide prevention, domestic violence, child advocacy, self-injury, healthy habits, safe sex and stress management. Depending on the weather, the activities will be held outside in the Plaza area or within the Plaza and the Library Complex atrium. Free drinks and Tacos-i...

Important Graduation Dates

To receive your certificate or degree…you must apply for it! If you are completing requirements to earn a certificate or degree this semester ( Fall 2010 ), but have not applied for graduation you need to see your advisor by Monday, November 15, 2010 to complete the graduation application and submit it to the Registrar’s Office. Graduation applications must be signed by both you and your advisor and include a completed Plan of Study. Any Fall 2010 graduation applications received after Monday, November 15, 2010 may not be included in the commencement program. If you plan to graduate in the Spring 2011 semester, your deadline for graduation application is next Wednesday, November 17, 2010. If you have any questions, please stop by the Registrar’s Office.

Trip To Peru!

Want to travel the world? See sights that you've only seen in magazines or movies? Create memories that will last a lifetime? The University of Arkansas Community College at Morrilton has teamed up with EF (Education First) Tours to provide you with an exciting, safe, and affordable way to travel! This year, Karen Caig and Lyndsey Daniel are wanting to take you on a trip of a lifetime to Peru: Land of the Incas! Students are highly encouraged to take part in this South American adventure, but it is not limited to just students! Arrangements can be made to accommodate any person who would like to go! Peru has been home to some of the oldest civilizations in the world! Its history can be seen throughout the country in its architecture and diverse culture! The cuisine is second to none in diversity and flavor! The nature and landscape is also something worth seeing! The world has a total of 104 different life zones and Peru is home to 84 of them! W...

Miss UACCM 2010

This weekend was the 2010 Miss UACCM Pageant. Thank you to everyone who attended and to all of our participants! Here is a list of this year's winners! 2010 UACCM PAGEANT WINNERS Ms. UACCM 2010: Emily Orsburn 1st Alternate: Chelsey Jones 2d Alternate: Morgan Drayton 3d Alternate: Kimberly Lacy 4th Alternate: Brandie Hicks Prettiest Smile: Chelsey Jones Prettiest Hair: Morgan Drayton Prettiest Eyes: Keresa Willbanks Most Photogenic: Chelsey Jones Teen Miss UACCM: Madison Meaders 1st Alternate: Kristen Horn 2d Alternate: Hannah Barden Prettiest Smile: Madison Meaders Prettiest Hair: Kristen Horn Prettiest Eyes: Hannah Barden Most Photogenic: Kristen Horn Pre-teen Miss UACCM: Mikayla Lemley 1st Alternate: Tiffany Young 2d Alternate: Kersten Shannon Prettiest Smile: Mikayla Lemley Prettiest Hair: Kersten Shannon Prettiest Eyes: Tiffany Young Most Photogenic: Kersten Shannon Princess Miss UACCM: Erin Holland 1st Alternate: Hannah Taylor 2d Alternate: Magan Chapman 3d Alternate:...

Business After hours

So did anyone get here an hour early because of day light savings time? If you show up early for John Southerland , Juanita Owens or Leslie Gomes' 12pm and 1pm classes , you don't have to worry about waiting around because they have canceled those classes for today!
Classes canceled today for Laura Meek. I hope everyone has a great Friday!


The Bosch Security Systems plant in Morrilton, Arkansas, manufacturers of world-class, professional audio products turns to the University of Arkansas Community College at Morrilton to design the latest addition to its facility. Bosch decided to turn the 17 acres of land located behind the plant into a half mile walking trail and has commissioned UACCM drafting students to submit design ideas for its construction. This will undoubtedly provide UACCM students with an opportunity to receive ‘real world’ drafting experience along with the potential to have an impressive addition to their resume before they even graduate. The drafting students have called upon the resources of the UACCM science department, graphic design, and surveying department for the layout and design of the walking trail. On November 9 at 2:00pm in the UACCM Fine Arts Auditorium, the students will have a preliminary presentation of the Bosh Walking Trail to help prepare them for the final presentation on November 1...
Dear Jarod Shelby, Dakota Wiley, Garrett Gregg, Chaze Story, Eric Story, and Jake Thompson, Welcome to the UACCM Campus today! I hope you enjoy your tour! Please keep in mind that the campus is usually full of students and excitement. We just decided to cancel all of our day classes for your tours today because we figured with your high level of celebrity status, it would be best to not have students on campus asking for your autographs the whole time you are on campus! ... You're Welcome.

Career Expo at Verison Arena!

The Arkansas Department of Workforce Services (ADWS) and the Arkansas Workforce Centers will host a Career Expo on Wednesday, November 3, 2010 from 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. at Verizon Arena, located at One Verizon Arena Way, North Little Rock, Arkansas. The Arkansas Workforce Center Career Expo is an opportunity for employers with job openings to connect with Arkansas jobseekers. Additionally, the Career Expo allows jobseekers looking for a new career to connect with educational programs that can prepare them for their future. Employers will have recruiters on hand to accept resumes, answer job applicants' questions, and conduct initial interviews on site. There will be representatives from local colleges and universities at the event to discuss educational opportunities. Also, experts from the Arkansas Workforce Centers will offer seminars throughout the day on numerous job-seeking related topics. Also available at the expo: • Resume Assistance • Job Search Assistance • In...

CPR Classes

UACCM has scheduled five Healthcare Provider CPR classes. This course is a prerequisite for students enrolling in Nursing/EMT programs at UACCM. The course is designed to provide a wide variety of healthcare professionals with the ability to recognize several life-threatening emergencies, provide CPR, use an AED, and relieve choking in a safe, timely and effective manner. Students interested in registering for CPR classes should contact Janie Wagner at 977-2078. CPR classes are offered through the UACCM Community Outreach Program, which is located at the Leadership Development Institute in downtown Morrilton. The registration fee is $35 per person. An optional American Heart Association Healthcare Providers Student Manual is available at the UACCM Book Store for $14. Class size in limited, and registration is conducted on a first-come/first-served basis. All CPR classes are held from 8:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. at the Morrilton Med-Tech EMS facility, which is located at 10 Medical Se...
Where is everyone?!?....... Oh.... Classes are canceled today and tomorrow for advising! (only the daytime classes are canceled. Night and evening classes are still being held.)

Go Grants

The GO! Grant refunds will be mailed out today . These checks will be mailed to the address that is on file with the Registrar’s Office. Please remember that these checks are for the first group of students on the Arkansas Department of Higher Education Go! Grant verification roster. If you have used all these funds in charges or have just recently accepted your GO! Grant, you will not have a check in this group. If you have any questions, please feel free to come by the Financial Aid Office for assistance.
Its Monday. Time to recover from your Halloween sugar buzz and heart racing haunted house experience from the guy with the chainsaw that just kept chasing you no matter how fast you ran! Tina Lake is out today. All of her classes are canceled.