
Showing posts from May, 2010

Registration Today and Summer Hours are Here!

Good morning, UACCM! Today marks registration for summer (full-term and summer I) classes at UACCM, so come on down to campus and sign up before 3:00 this afternoon. Summer classes are a great option for anyone interested in taking a course or two quickly, or to transfer to your regular institution. Today is also the final day of May Intersession classes. Reminder: UACCM will be closed next Monday, May 31 for the Memorial Day Holiday. The campus will re-open on Tuesday, June 1 for the start of summer classes. Several departments on campus have updated hours for the summer months. Here's a look at a few of them, as well as some important dates: The UACCM Plaza will be open during summer from 6:00 am to 2:30 pm Mon.- Fri., with breakfast served from 6:00 - 11:00 am and lunch served 11:00 am to 2:30 pm. You can check out the weekly Plaza menu by clicking here. The UACCM Student Center, Union Station, will be open from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Mon. - Fri. The Fitness Ce...

Retirement Reception & Grand Opening Next Week

UACCM invites the community to attend a retirement reception honoring Chancellor Nathan Crook on Thursday, June 3, 2010 from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. The event will be held at the new UACCM Leadership Development Institute at 115 Broadway in downtown Morrilton and will also serve as the grand opening celebration for the newly-renovated facility. Chancellor Crook will step down on June 30, 2010, ending a 25-year stretch of leadership at the college. Student enrollment during Crook’s tenure has exhibited unprecedented growth, increasing by more than 660 percent since the institution became a two-year college in 1991 and more than 100 percent since merging with the University of Arkansas System in 2001. In each of the past five years, UACCM has averaged a 10.2 percent increase in student enrollment over the previous year. He has also overseen a great physical growth of the campus, with the construction of several major academic and student support buildings including the UACCM Technology II Bui...

Coming Full-Circle: Journey of a Dislocated Worker

As summer rolls in, stories tend to slow down a bit here at UACCM, so we will share feature stories about UACCM here on the Campus Link Blog from time to time. We hope you enjoy. If you know of a student success story you think would make a good feature article, let us know. We are always looking for a great story! Have a great weekend!   More than 10 years ago, on February 22, 1999, Levi Strauss & Co. notified the public that they would soon be shutting the doors to their factory in Morrilton, which had been in operation for more than 50 years and carried more than 600 on its payroll. Alice Curtis was just one of those employees who would seize the opportunity to delve into higher education. The announcement of the closure hit the city of Morrilton especially hard, as the owner of the Arrow Automotive Industries factory across town had announced only a week earlier that it too had plans to close the plant in Morrilton, which employed 460. The town was in turmoil, with...

Summer Registration Coming Up!

Fact: Summer is a great time to get through a college class quickly. Back home for the break and want to get some general education classes out of the way and pay about half price for them? Here's your chance! Regular registration for 4-week I and 8-week summer term classes at UACCM is scheduled for Friday, May 28, 2010. Registration is open to all current and newly accepted students from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on this date. No appointment is necessary for registration on this date. Pre-registration for 4-week summer II term classes will be held June 2-24, 2010. Current and newly-accepted students must make an appointment with Jan Magie by calling (501) 977-2165 to register, while applicants who have not received an acceptance letter from UACCM should contact the Office of Admissions at (501) 977-2053 for a status update. Regular registration for 4-week II summer term classes will be held for current and newly-accepted students on Friday, June 25 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. No...

Save the Date!


Spring 2010 Graduation Pics. Posted

Well, it's official. UACCM handed out 263 degrees/certificates last night! Pictures from graduation have been posted on the UACCM Facebook Page . Several pics. were posted of graduates, so feel free to find yourself and your friends and do some tagging! Don't forget to "Like" us while you're there.  Today marks registration for May Intersession classes through 3:00 pm. Drop by the University Center to sign up.   Have a great weekend and a great summer!

Spring 2010 Semester: DONE!

Finals are OVER! Grades are turned in, books are back on their shelves and students everywhere are dusting off their fancy shoes to wear with their caps and gowns tomorrow evening. If you haven't seen the list of UACCM students graduating this semester, check it out here.   Here's a fun fact: in the spring 2007 semester, there were 134 UACCM graduates and this semester, there are 263! That's almost double in only three years!   For students taking May Intersession classes, the summer break may only equal a long weekend. Classes will begin next Monday, May 17, with registration this Friday, May 14.  We'll see all returning students again soon!  Don't forget to watch the Campus Link Blog over the summer for the latest news on events and other happenings at UACCM. If you haven't done so yet, "Like" us on Facebook here , or follow us on Twitter here . Have a fantastic summer!  

Make Extra Ca$h Before Commencement

Today and tomorrow are not only the last days of final exams, but are also the best days to turn your books in at the UACCM University Bookstore! Book Buy Back is taking place today until 6:00 pm and tomorrow from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. Your books are worth the most now, so gather 'em up and make some ca$h! (Books must be in good condition and must include all items originally purchased with texts.) Tomorrow, May 11 marks GED Graduation at UACCM. The ceremony will be held at 7:00 pm in the Fine Arts Auditorium. UACCM Coordinator of Student Recruitment is serving as the keynote speaker. The ceremony is open to the public, so be sure and stop by to help recognize the recipients! This Thursday, May 13 is the date for UACCM's spring practical nurses pinning ceremony and commencement! The pinning will begin at 2:30 pm in the UACCM Fine Arts Auditorium with commencement for all students following at 7:00 pm in HB White Auditorium at Morrilton High School. Representative Johnny Hoyt...

UACCM Announces Spring Graduates

UACCM will hold its spring commencement exercises on Thursday, May 13 at 7:00 p.m. in the H.B. White Auditorium on the campus of Morrilton High School. Representative Johnny Hoyt will serve as keynote speaker during the ceremony. Family and friends of graduates are invited to attend. There are 263 candidates for graduation. Congrats, grads!   Students graduating from UACCM include (with hometown, award and major listed): Cleburne County Residents: Melissa Davis of Quitman, Certificate of Proficiency in Nursing Assisting; Leslie Hammett of Higden, Technical Certificate in Practical Nursing; Conway County Residents: Jared Andres of Solgohachia, Certificate of Proficiency in Welding; Virginia Andres of Solgohachia, Certificate of Proficiency in Emergency Medical Technology; Courtney Andrews of Morrilton, Associate of Applied Science in Business Office Technology and Technical Certificate in Business; Bethany Baca of Springfield, Certificate of Proficiency in Nursing A...

A FREE Recital and Baseball!

If you're looking for something to do tonight, stop by the UACCM Fine Arts Gallery at 7:00 pm to check out two students presenting our first student vocal recital ever! Students Aubrey Hoult and Kendra Thomas will be singing works by Robert Schumann, George Gershwin, Richard Strauss, Henry Purcell, Giacchino Rossini and Aaron Copeland. The students are part of the UACCM Choir and have worked especially hard to prepare for the concert this evening, so all are encouraged to attend! Oh, and it's FREE! If you recently received tickets to the May 1 Arkansas Travelers game from SGA , the tickets will be honored at any remaining home game this season. Check out the schedule here and see when you can make it down to a game. Just take your ticket stub to the ticket window to be admitted. Hopefully, the bad weather is over for a while!

"I Can See Graduation From Here!" (just beyond finals!)

Good (almost) afternoon, UACCM. It's hard to believe, but the end of the semester is literally right around the corner! Final exams start tomorrow , so if you haven't take a look at the final exam schedule already (first of all, GOOD LUCK!), it's time to check it out! Once you get past finals, it's graduation time! The spring 2010 commencement ceremony is scheduled for next Thursday, May 13 at 7:00 pm in H.B. White Auditorium at Morrilton High School. The featured speaker at geaduation will be Representative Johnny Hoyt. A complete list of graduates will be published here at the Campus Link at a later date. Please join us in congratulationg all graduates! Good luck in the future!  If you're graduating this semester, why not join the UACCM Alumni Association? It's free, and gives you several benefits! For benefit information as well as a signup form, click here.