UACCM Adult Education Center Fall Semester has begun.
Did you know that in addition to traditional college classes and community education classes UACCM offers adult education classes? The UACCM Adult Education Center has begun the 2015 fall semester and you are invited to look through our programs to find one that is right for you. Whether the goal is to earn a GED, strengthen basic skills for college or job placement, earn certificates of competency for career readiness, or to improve speaking and reading skills the Adult Education Center is available to help you succeed. The Center now offers the new GED test administered by computer with a discounted $16 testing fee. Students who complete the GED program will receive a tuition waiver scholarship for a 3-hour college class at UACCM and may also be eligible for a full tuition scholarship to UACCM. The center provides TABE testing for Workforce, Keytrain, and Career Readiness with certificates provided to show proof of success to potential employers. English as a Second Language (E...