
Showing posts from September, 2015

UACCM Adult Education Center Fall Semester has begun.

Did you know that in addition to traditional college classes and community education classes UACCM offers adult education classes? The UACCM Adult Education Center has begun the 2015 fall semester and you are invited to look through our programs to find one that is right for you. Whether the goal is to earn a GED, strengthen basic skills for college or job placement, earn certificates of competency for career readiness, or to improve speaking and reading skills the Adult Education Center is available to help you succeed. The Center now offers the new GED test administered by computer with a discounted $16 testing fee. Students who complete the GED program will receive a tuition waiver scholarship for a 3-hour college class at UACCM and may also be eligible for a full tuition scholarship to UACCM. The center provides TABE testing for Workforce, Keytrain, and Career Readiness with certificates provided to show proof of success to potential employers. English as a Second Language (E...

UACCM Nursing Program Expanding to Clinton.

The University of Arkansas Community College in Morrilton will be expanding its Nursing Program to the Clinton Campus. A class of eight will begin in January for Spring 2016, along with a class of 24 students beginning each Spring and Summer 2016 at Morrilton. The deadline to complete the application process for one of these eight spots ends October 1, 2015. Admission into the UACCM Practical Nursing (PN) Program is a competitive process. There are a number of steps which must be completed before a student can be considered for the PN program. In addition, students must have completed the entrance exam, the TEAS, at the college within the last three years. The entrance exam score and the grades from the prerequisite courses will be utilized in the class selection process. Students in the Clinton and Van Buren County area will be given a priority in the selection process if meeting all requirements listed on the application. The entrance exam results and the application must be tak...


The E. Allen Gordon Library of the University of Arkansas Community College at Morrilton will host author Jenny Wingfield for a special appearance Oct. 8 at 1:00 pm. Her book, “The Homecoming of Samuel Lake,” is the 2015 selection for “If All Arkansas Read the Same Book,” a program led by the Arkansas State Library and funded by a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services. Students and the community are encouraged to attend this free event. “The Homecoming of Samuel Lake,” set in Arkansas, is about the Moses family. Every first Sunday in June, members of the Moses clan gather for an annual reunion at a sprawling hundred-acre farm in Arkansas. And every year, Samuel Lake, a vibrant and committed young preacher, brings his beloved wife, Willadee Moses, and their three children back for the festivities. In the midst of it all, Samuel and Willadee’s outspoken eleven-year-old daughter, Swan, is a bright light. Her high spirits and fearlessness have alternately seduced...


MORRILTON, Ark.— In recognition of Hispanic Heritage Month, the University of Arkansas Community College at Morrilton presents the crowd-pleasing “Mariachi America” band in a special concert. Admission is free so bring the whole family to this entertaining event October 6, 2015 from 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. at the UACCM Student Union on the west side of the Kirk Building. With this event UACCM hopes to bring awareness and celebration to the heritage and important contributions of Hispanic and Latino Americans around the world. In addition to the mariachi performance, UACCM Admissions and Financial Aid Offices, Adult Education ESL (English as a Second Language) program, Career Pathways, Nursing Department, and Art Department will have booths set up to share information about programs and services.


MORRILTON, Ark.— The Governor’s Dislocated Workers Task Force Mobile Unit will be at the University of Arkansas Community College in Morrilton as part of the Workforce Strong Manufacturing Day Event on Saturday, October 3 from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. This free event is open to the community and will offer a complementary lunch of hamburgers and hot dogs. No reservations are necessary. Workforce Strong in Central Arkansas will focus on the college’s technical and professional training programs and is designed for anyone from currently enrolled junior and senior high school students to underemployed and unemployed adults. Individuals considering the possibility of making a career change may also be interested in attending, as well as families with students enrolled in the eighth through twelfth grades who are exploring career opportunities. Guests will be able to freely explore the various technical areas, meet the instructors, and see the equipment and tools used in the hands-on lab...

Manufacturing Day Event Saturday, October 3

In recognition of Manufacturing Day, the University of Arkansas Community College at Morrilton will hold an open house-style event, “Workforce Strong in Central Arkansas” on Saturday, October 3 This event, which will focus on the college’s technical and professional training programs, is free and open to the public. It is designed for anyone from currently enrolled junior and senior high school students to underemployed and unemployed adults. Guests will have the opportunity to freely explore the various technical areas, meet the instructors, and see the equipment and tools used in the hands-on labs. It is also a chance for individuals to speak with possible future employers who hire technical program graduates of UACCM. Another goal of UACCM’s Manufacturing Day event is to provide information about the shortage of skilled workers that employers currently face. UACCM has invited numerous businesses to set up booths next to the technical areas that provide training for them. Ind...