Foundation Scholarship Established In Memory of Wade Walters

The University of Arkansas Community College at Morrilton is now accepting applications for the Wade Walters Foundation Scholarship. One $500 scholarship is available for the spring 2018 semester, with priority given to students from Pope County. Susan Allen, mother of Wade Walters, signs documents to approve the Wade Walters Foundation Scholarship during a Dec. 1 meeting. Also pictured from left to right are UACCM Director of Marketing & Public Relations Mary Clark, UACCM Development Officer Anne Cadle, UACCM Chancellor Dr. Larry Davis, Walters' stepfather Rusty Allen, Walters' brother-in-law and sister P.J. and Chelsy Lyles, and their two children. Walters’ family established the scholarship in his memory earlier this month for a student pursuing welding at UACCM. His family — including his mother, Susan Allen, stepfather Rusty Allen, sister Chelsy, and brother-in-law P.J. Lyles — visited campus administrators on Dec. 1 to approve the award and to tour the UAC...