Control What You Can: Practicing Mindfulness

Humans value control and some of us thrive on it. Think about it — when you feel out of control you often do something completely unrelated to gain control in your life. Have you ever cleaned your house just to feel better whenever you’re worried about something? Exactly — I hate cleaning but in college my dorm was spotless around midterms and finals. Cleaning gave me a sense of control in my life even though studying would have given me actual control of my grades. COVID-19 is highly contagious and passes easily. The novel coronavirus is not the only thing spreading though — our anxiety is and it’s just as contagious as the virus. Each week Student Development plans to offer a tip/tips to help you during this panic-provoking time. It is our hope that this information can help ground you in the control you desire by focusing your mental and physical energy on things that you can actually impact rather than worrying about becoming ill. This week let’s talk about be...