Who Says Video Games and College Don't Mix?

For those of you who find it hard to put down your XBOX 360, PS3, or wii controller long enough to make it to class, you're in luck! Your UACCM SGA is bringing your favorite gaming systems on campus tomorrow, March 30 for a 5-hour long tournament/free play from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm in Union Station.

The event will feature XBOX 360s, PS3s and wiis set up with huge projection screens giving you the opportunity to challenge your buddy in a tournament or free play by yourself or with a group. Be sure to stop by between classes to play Halo, Guitar Hero, etc. and have some fun. If you're enrolled in a spring "B" or 10-week class, tomorrow is the last day (so you'll have NO excuse for not stopping by for a game!)

If you'd like to help plan events like this throughout the year, it's time to join the Student Government Association! If you're already a member, maybe it's time to become an officer, and now's your chance. The deadline to apply for a spot in the SGA officer election is this Friday, April 2. Click here to find out more.
  • Don't forget to check out the important dates to the left of this post, and watch our Twitter feed up top! Have a good one!


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