UACCM Student Development Office Tackles Test Anxiety
UACCM has a new resource to help students combat test anxiety: a pair of sessions from the staff of Student Development , that teaches students coping tips. On March 3-4, students can choose between two sessions, called How NOT to Fail: Test Anxiety Edition, with both lasting around 45 minutes. Interested students have the choice to either attend the sessions in person at the Student Development office, located at the Business Technology Center, Room 216, or virtually. Details about the sessions can be found below: March 3, 9:00 a.m., BTC 216 Virtual Link (Use this at the designated day and time to join) March 4, 12:10 p.m., BTC 216 Virtual Link (Use this at the designated day and time to join) The issue of test anxiety is a serious problem college campuses, according to the staff of Student Development. About 16-20% of students have high test anxiety, making this the most prevalent scholastic impairment in our schools today. Another 18% are troub...