
Showing posts from April, 2022

Porter Assumes Role of Arkansas PTK President

UACCM student, Cody Porter, was recently elected to the position of Arkansas President for the Oklahoma-Arkansas Region of Phi Theta Kappa. The society elects one representative from each state for a one-year term. Porter is the second UACCM student to be elected to regional office. Porter, who joined Phi Theta Kappa in the Spring 2022 semester, recently attended PTK Catalyst 2022 in Denver. As part of the event, he met with regional leaders and previous International Officers, heightening his interest in running for regional office.  Following his degree at UACCM, Porter plans to transfer to the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville where he will pursue a business marketing degree. Cody is a native of Dover, Arkansas.

#AlumniSpotlight: Nate Weston

  Our grads go on to do great things, and this alum is no exception! Meet Nate Weston, 2013 graduate. Nate is currently a Geospatial Ecologist with the Beaver Watershed Alliance. Why should students choose UACCM? As a non-traditional student, UACCM is the perfect environment for reintroduction into an academic environment, especially for students seeking further degrees at a university. UACCM has a welcoming, friendly atmosphere with helpful staff and faculty who are passionate in their encouragement of student development above and beyond mere conditioning towards a vocational degree. Nine years after graduating UACCM, I still enjoy the friendship of numerous UACCM faculty members and encourage students interested in furthering their education to attend UACCM. What is/was your favorite thing about UACCM? UACCM helped me pursue my dreams of achieving a higher education, giving me the confidence to overcome challenges and pursue opportunities I'd have previously been too overcome wi...

May 2022 Graduation

It is almost time for May graduates to walk across the stage! Save the date: Saturday, May 14th at 10 a.m. There are a few things you need to know for graduation: Rehearsal will be at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, May 13th at the Morrilton Devil Dog Arena. Be sure to arrive by 9:15 a.m. on Saturday, May 14th to allow time to check in, receive your walk cards and cords, and line up. When you arrive at Devil Dog Arena on the day of graduation, park in the back of the arena and look for Graduate Entry signs.  The ceremony will begin at 10:00 a.m. Graduation location: Morrilton High School Devil Dog Arena 1310 Poor Farm Road, Morrilton, AR 72110 Congratulations, Graduate, on all of your achievements and perseverance. The UACCM Family is proud of you and excited to see all you accomplish!

UACCM PTK Receives Conference Honors and Inducts New Members

The Beta Eta Sigma chapter of Phi Theta Kappa has been busy representing UACCM at the national level and inducting new members into their organization. At Catalyst, the national Phi Theta Kappa conference, Cody Porter and April Brown attended along with advisors Mat Herrman and Lori Goodnight. The chapter received three honors at the regional meeting, two relating to the Honors in Action research project, and one recognizing the chapter with 5-star designation. Mat Herrman, speech instructor and PTK advisor, also received the region’s Most Distinguished Chapter Advisor award as well as Continued Excellence in Chapter Advising. “Attending Catalyst this year gave us the amazing opportunity to grow as leaders and members of Phi Theta Kappa,” said Cody Porter, PTK member. “From attending the education forum sessions to cheering on our award-winning peers, it is a feeling and opportunity matched by no other.” PTK members April Brown and Cody Porter show off the chapter awards earned a...

UACCM Invites You to Reaccreditation Public Forum

The University of Arkansas Community College at Morrilton invites you to attend a public forum on Monday, April 25th, from 3:35-4:25 p.m. in the Fine Arts Auditorium as part of UACCM’s ten-year accreditation visit. The Higher Learning Commission is an independent organization that accredits degree-granting post-secondary educational institutions in the United States. As part of UACCM’s accreditation renewal process, a group of peer reviewers from higher learning institutions around the country will visit campus to speak with faculty, staff, students, and other stakeholders to assess quality assurance in a variety of areas. The public forum on April 25th will give community members the chance to share their comments and insight about UACCM.

#StaffSpotlight: Chancellor Lisa R. Willenberg

This month, we are spotlighting our fearless leader: Chancellor Lisa R. Willenberg!  Chancellor Willenberg has been at UACCM for almost 30 years. Since she began working at UACCM – previously named Petit Jean Technical College – she has held several positions including accountant, accounting supervisor, adjunct instructor, controller, vice chancellor for finance, vice chancellor for finance and operations, and most recently, chancellor. Why should students choose UACCM? Because UACCM has the absolute best faculty and staff who put students first. What is your favorite part about working at UACCM? The students and employees; so many great success stories made and relationships formed. It's like one big family! What are your favorite things to do when you’re not at UACCM? My new favorite activity is spoiling my granddaughter, Tessa. So far, I have one grandchild with another on the way in July. Grandparenthood is life-altering in the best way possible! Our family loves the Razorbacks...

Career Center Success Story: Chase Shurtleff

Chase Shurtleff has been a UACCM student for two years. The kicker is, he hasn’t even graduated high school yet. Thanks to a partnership between Morrilton High School and the UACCM Career Center, Chase will complete a Certificate of Proficiency and Technical Certificate in Welding. He will be able to enter the workforce after graduation, debt-free and prepared for a career.  The UACCM Career Center provides numerous benefits to high school students in grades 10-12 at participating schools, including the opportunity to earn college credit, complete a college credential, gain soft skills, and prepare for the workforce. Students have the potential to earn a Certificate of Proficiency (8-15 credits) or up to a Technical Certificate (30 college credits) in eligible programs.     Students can currently enroll in one of the eight Career Center programs at no cost to the student, as tuition, fees, and supplies are funded through the Arkansas Office of Skills Development. In ...