News for students impacted by the recent tornado
A message from Diana Arn, Vice Chancellor for Academic Services, April 30, 2014: For students impacted by the devastating storms that occurred Sunday in Arkansas: UACCM will give students the following options concerning finals which are scheduled May 5-May 8 and final homework assignments. Option 1. Students can receive as their final grade for the classes in which they are currently enrolled, the grade that is recorded in eLearning after all current assignments have been graded. Example: If the grade currently shows a grade of “B”, that grade would be recorded as the final grade. Option 2. Students can receive a grade of “I” for the classes in which they are currently enrolled. The students would then work with the Vice Chancellor for Academic Services or Vice Chancellor for Student Services to determine a date in which finals are taken and outstanding homework is completed. Final grades will then be determined according to the course syllabi. Option 3. Students c...