UACCM Breaks Ground on Nursing and Science Center
The University of Arkansas Community College at Morrilton (UACCM) broke ground for the new $16 million Nursing and Science Center on Friday. The two-story, 36,000 square-foot Nursing and Science Center will be located southwest of Technology Building II on the UACCM campus and will feature seven science labs and classrooms, ten nursing labs and classrooms, and two student lounges for studying. In attendance for the groundbreaking was Arkansas Rep. Rick Beck, University of Arkansas System President Dr. Donald R. Bobbitt, Conway County Judge Jimmy Hart, Morrilton Mayor Allen Lipsmeyer, District Director for Rep. French Hill Jeff Pitchford, West Central Arkansas Planning and Development Program Manager of Economic Development Vicki Sexton, as well as several individuals from Crafton Tull, the architect for the project, Nabholz, the contractor for the project, and UACCM’s healthcare industry partners. Bobbitt addressed the crowd on hand, saying, “This is a very ambitious p...