Wed., Mar. 10 Class Cancelations / Last Call for Japan!

Class cancelations today:
  • All of Susan Pardee's (academic achievement instructor) classes are canceled today 
  • Cindy Thompson (business instructor) is out, and her classes are canceled today
So, Are You Chinese or Japanese?

Two UACCM instructors will lead students and interested community members to discover the mystery of Japan on an EF Educational Tour this May. Those who want to earn three hours credit now have the opportunity to enroll in general education elective studying Japan. The course and trip will be part of UACCM’s May Intersession course offerings.

Karen Caig and Lyndsey Daniel, who will teach the course, will survey Japanese history, politics, literature, art, and religion. Both instructors received national grants from the Freeman Institute to learn more about Japan with the Japan Studies Association in a summer institute in Honolulu, Hawaii, Caig in 2008 and Daniel in 2009. They are eager to share their expertise.

In today's global society, students increasingly need international experience to succeed. As a board member for the Partnership for 21st Century Skills—the leading advocacy organization focused on infusing 21st century skills into education—EF strives to prepare students academically and professionally for our increasingly globalized economy. Also, a recent geography survey conducted by National Geographic found that young Americans (18- to 24-year-olds) who traveled outside the U.S. in the past three years performed 40% better on the survey than those who did not. Ms. Daniel stated, “I’d like my students to know more about their world—the culture, the people, the languages of other countries.”

The deadline to enroll on the tour is quickly approaching. Contact Karen Caig at or Lyndsey Daniel at for more information.


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