
Showing posts from July, 2009

Tuition Deadline...Tomorrow!

If you have pre -registered for your fall classes at UACCM , TOMORROW (Friday, July 31) is the tuition payment deadline! If you don't make a tuition payment or set up the e-cashier payment plan (more on that below) by this date, your classes will be dropped and you will have to re-enroll during regular registration on August 11-13. Trust me, you do not want to do that! Don't have the cash on you right now? Sign up for the e-cashier easy payment plan and enjoy a monthly payment option. This is not a loan program, so you don't have to pay interest. It simply gives you more time to pay your tuition bill. For more information or to get started, click here and click on "Pay Online" on the right side. Receiving financial aid? Financial aid recipients will be able to remain enrolled in classes if all required paperwork is complete in the Financial Aid Office by Friday, July 31. For more information, stop by UACCM or call (501) 977-2000. Hope finals went well, and we...

The End of Summer Nears and Registrar is Moving

Good morning, everybody. Just a quick reminder: Summer II classes end this Thursday, July 30 . Final exams will also be administered on this day, so I hope you have been studying up these past few weeks! Book buy back at the University Bookstore is talking place Thursday as well, so shoot down to sell your books for some $cash$ after your final is over. If you still haven't registered for your fall classes, registration is coming up on August 11-13. Click here for more information. Be sure to ask your friends if they have registered yet too, or you might not see them in class next month! The UACCM Registrar's Office is moving! The office is currently moving to its new location in Room 215 (upstairs) in the University Center. It may take a few days to get all the kinks moved out at the new location, but if you need assistance from the Registrar, drop by or call 977-2052. Fall semester starts August 19!

Calling all Books!

Have books to unload this summer? The summer book buy back at UACCM's University Bookstore will be this Thursday, July 30 from 9:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. This is a great time to sell your books back (you'll get more $$$ for them on this day). If you have questions about the book buy back, contact the bookstore at 977-2127. While you're selling your books back, take a minute to look around and see some of the great deals on the great stuff in the bookstore! Don't forget, registration is coming up! Click here for more information. This year, all new students will be required to attend a two-day Student Success Orientation to help you understand a little better everything available to you at UACCM . Click here to find out more (we promise, it won't be too hard on you...a few things may even be fun). Have a great day!

Kid's College 2009: Great Success!

Several area children witnessed knights, damsels, and castles along with the sights and sounds of the Serengeti during Kid’s College, held July 20 through 24 at UACCM. During the week, participants learned about all aspects of the medieval period including who lived there, what they ate, and what they did for work. Students also learned about the Serengeti region, including what kinds of animals live there and what the land is like. Kid’s College featured elaborate decorations and many hands-on activities, games, experiments, art, and other interactive displays designed to enhance math, science, and artistic skills among the children in a fun environment. During their final day on campus, the children invited their parents to come and enjoy a program highlighting what they had learned during the week and to watch them receive their certificates for completing the program. The Little Rock Zoo came to campus and brought a few animals typically found in Africa for the children to see and...

New UACCM Library Open for Business

Good afternoon, UACCM . This just in: The E. Allen Gordon Library, now located in the beautiful new UACCM Library Complex, is now open and ready for use! If you have not already been by to see the new facility, all are welcome to do so. Library hours will be 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. UACCM apologizes for any inconvenience that was caused during the library move. Once you stop by and see all the space and features the new facility has to offer, we think you'll see that it was well worth the wait. Click here to see what's happened on the library site over the past year. Watch for more information in the future on the planned grand opening in September. See you at the library!

Just the FACTS, ma'am

Happy Wednesday, everybody. If you're already registered but are not sure how you're going to pay your tuition for the upcoming fall semester, here's something that just might help make it a little easier for you: Pre -registered students have until July 31 to pay your tuition accounts in full or sign up for the FACTS easy payment plan. This easy payment plan lets you make 4 easy payments throughout the semester that can be automatically drafted from your checking or savings accounts or a credit card (sorry, no VISA cards accepted). The best part is, you don' t have to pay interest! The only cost to sign up is $25 each semester to get the automatic draft set up. Anyone registering during regular registration (August 11-13) can sign up for the FACTS payment plan until August 18 or will be expected to pay in full at the cashier window when registering. Check with one of faces behind the Students Accounts windows in the University Center for more information. Watch the b...

"Shades of Ireland" Trip Preview Tomorrow

Just a quick reminder about the "Shades of Ireland" vacation tour multimedia preview that's coming up tomorrow evening at 5:30 in the Business Technology Center Room 203. This free, no obligation preview will give anyone interested a small taste of what to expect in Ireland, including travel information, photos from past trips, and much more. If you want more information on the trip but can't make the preview, contact Kristi Strain at (501) 977-2142 or at . For a more detailed story outlining the trip, click here . The trip is being sponsored by the UACCM Alumni Association and is open to everyone (including non- UACCM Alums). We hope to see you at the preview! Have a great Monday evening.

Registration & Library Info.

Good afternoon, UACCM ! Just a couple of things I thought I would remind you all of: If you haven't already registered for your fall semester classes, you still have time! Take a look at the registration page on our Web site by clicking here. Remember, the earlier you register, the better! The E. Allen Gordon Library in the new UACCM Library Complex was scheduled to re-open next Monday, July 20, but it looks like we are going to experience a slight delay! The building isn't quite complete yet, and we're not sure exactly when it will be ready, but as soon as I know, you'll know. We apologize profusely for any inconvenience. Have an opinion on campus events? If there is an event you would like to see brought to campus next year, leave a comment below and let us know. Or, e-mail . I'd love to hear your thoughts. Hey...tomorrow's Friday! We'll see ya then.

The GOV. at UACCM and a Pell Grant Deadline

Gov. Mike Beebe hosted an Arkansas Works Summit education meeting yesterday on campus to discuss the correlation between education and economic development. Representatives from each county in Arkansas met at the capitol in October 2008 at the Arkansas Works Summit to discuss economics and education, and the stop in Morrilton was part of Beebe’s statewide tour which aims to bring the messages of that summit to communities throughout Arkansas. According to Beebe, “Education is economic development. You can’t have one without the other.” He emphasized the importance of two-year colleges in the state saying, “Communities with a two-year college in Arkansas have a major leg up on surrounding areas. Colleges have to be able to go to industries in the area and ask what they need to do to help train tomorrow’s workforce.” Beebe commended UACCM for the creation of the college’s Petroleum Technology Program in response to the needs of the Fayetteville Shale Play and added “If we don’t provi...

And we're back!

Good morning, all. Hope it has been a great few days. Watch for a couple other things coming across the blog throughout the day today, but here are a couple of things I thought you might be particularly interested in: Pell Grant refund checks will be available for pick up at noon today, July 14th, at the Student Accounts window in the University Center. Be sure to have your UACCM ID when you come to pick up your check. Now...don't spend it all in one place! Arkansas Governor Mike Beebe will be on campus this afternoon at 1:00 in Room 203 in the Business Technology Center visiting with anyone interested about his Arkansas Economic Development Work Summit. You're all welcome to stop by if you're around. Also, be on the lookout for UACCM on Twitter...coming soon. And if you haven't joined us on Facebook yet, click here or on the logo above and do so...we always love to have another fan! Have a great day!

Time for a Short Vacation..

Just wanted to let you all know that the Campus Link Blog is going un -manned for a few days (in case you were wondering about our lack of newly posted info!) We'll catch back up with ya next week with all kinds of exciting things coming up! Until then!

The Looooooong Days of Summer II...

Happy Tuesday, everybody. As many of you may know, the second summer term is now in session! I'm sure everyone taking a class is unbelievably excited to be getting a class out of the way in the laid-back long days of summer. If you're not so excited, just remember: it won't last long! Here are a couple of reminders for you all this morning: The E. Allen Gordon Library here on campus is currently closed and will remain closed until Monday, July 20. "Why?" you ask? To move to the brand new UACCM Library Complex, that's why! The new library wing of the complex will feature approximately 15,000-square-feet of library space, including private study areas and wi - fi . Keep watching the Campus Link Blog for more information on a grand opening celebration for this great new facility coming up this fall. Have any e-waste you need to get rid of? Are old computers, monitors, printers, microwaves, televisions, stereos, cell phones, or other electronic gadgetry pil...

Happy Independence Day!

Hope to see you all at the free movie tonight at approximately 8:30 pm in the Plaza Courtyard. If we don't see ya there, happy 4th of July from UACCM. We hope it's safe, happy and fun! See you all on Monday for Summer II!

Thursday, July 2: Registration and FREE Movie!

Good morning, everybody. Just a couple of things you need to look out for tomorrow: Registration for the second summer term at is tomorrow, July 2 from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm. This is the final day for registration for summer courses, so all new and current students interested in taking a summer course should plan to register on this date. Pre -registration for the upcoming fall term also continues on (most) remaining Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays in and July. If you're interested in pre -registering for fall, you must set up an appointment to do so with Jan Magie by calling (501) 977-2165. Tomorrow is also the last day to drop any classes you have already registered for if you want to receive a 100% refund of your tuition. Also, don't forget about our Starlight Cinema FREE Outdoor Movie Night scheduled for tomorrow evening at 8:30 pm in the Plaza Courtyard. For more information on the movie night, click here . We hope to see you there! Have a great Wednesday and Thursday a...