
Showing posts from January, 2009

Friday, January 29 Class Cancellation

All of Gretchen Schol's classes today, Friday, January 29 have been cancelled. Ms. Schol is out sick today, so be sure to wish her a mental 'Get Well Soon' while you're relaxing instead of sitting in class!

"Essie The Blues Lady" Comes to UACCM For Free Concert

Essie Neal, better known as “Essie the Blues Lady,” will present a free blues concert on Thursday, February 12, 2009 at 7:00 pm in the Fine Arts Auditorium on campus at the University of Arkansas Community College at Morrilton. The concert, part of the college’s Black History Month tribute, will be open to the public and free of charge. Neal performs frequently in festivals, schools, and numerous venues across Arkansas. Born to a musical family in and raised in central Arkansas, she learned to play the guitar at twelve years of age. Neal says “When the chores were done and the sun set in the evening, it was music time.” Her father played several instruments and her mother sang while she and her sisters and brothers would listen for hours. Determined to learn to play, Neal started picking her dad’s guitar when he was at work. She formed an all-female blues band, “Queen Bee and the Soul Seekers” in the 1970’s and toured Arkansas and surrounding states. Through the years, she has played...

Intramural 3-on-3 B-ball

Playing Intramural B-ball? Check out this note: "This is just a reminder about the MANDATORY meeting for Intramural Basketball today during X-Period in the Admissions Office. One person from each team must attend. Also, the beginning date for the first Basketball game has been moved from Feb. 3rd to Feb. 10th. If you do not have a team, you will be placed on a FREE AGENT team. Each person must attend the meeting. Please come by the Admissions Office if you have any questions!"

What's Abuzz...

Hope you're all enjoying this coooooold January day. Just a few things on the daily agenda: Students: Tomorrow is the deadline to sign up for the Get in Shape by Spring Break* contest. If you wanna' lose some weight and gain some cash, be sure to sign up in the University Center Lobby or the Study Room in the Kirk Building. See contest guidelines here . Those of you already signed up - watch your E-mail and the CampusLink blog to learn about the dreaded first weigh-in! *Sponsored by your Student Government Association UACCM has announced the Chancellor's Scholar and Academic Honor lists for the fall 2008 semester. Check out the full list here . Don't forget to join us on Facebook . Become a fan and follow us there, too!

Wednesday's status...

Well, there's stuff falling from the sky, but it's not frozen. So at this point, it looks like campus will be open tomorrow. Be careful driving in! If anything changes, we'll be sure to let you know.

Here's Your Ticket to Sleep in, UACCM

Well, it's official. The UACCM campus will be closed on Tuesday, January 27 due to the crazy freezin' weather! So don't set your alarm, enjoy your day off, and BE CAREFUL! Check back with the blog for any further announcements.

No Evening Classes

Here you have it...our first official closing of 2009. From Darren Jones, vice chancellor for student services: "Due to worsening road conditions in the Morrilton area, evening classes have been cancelled for Monday, January 26, 2009. This includes any class beginning at 4:00 pm or later." Stay tuned for any further info.

Ice and Sleet and Snow, Oh My!

Looks like the next couple of days could be interesting in the weather department. Check back here when you roll out of bed in the morning to find out if campus will be closed. As soon as I know, you'll know! Now make a wish...

Off to The Orient We Go

How's about a trip to Japan? Instructors Lyndsey Daniel and Karen Caig are planning to take a group to explore Japan during the May 2010 intercession. If you feel like earning come class credit on the trip, you can even take a 3-hour humanities course in Japan. Can't get enough of Japan? UACCM recently created a Japanese Club (Otaku Club) to accommodate the growing interest in Japan which meets preiodically throughout the semester. Those who register with a $95.00 deposit by January 31, 2009 can lock in the 2008 tour prices of $2954 for students and $3289 for non-students. The trip features round-trip airfare, 7 overnight stays in hotels with private bathrooms, breakfast and dinner daily, a full-time bilingual EF Tour Director, 2 sightseeing tours in Tokyo and Kyoto, and visits to the Meiji Shinto Shrine, Asakusa Kannon Temple, Nijo Castle, Heian Shrine and Garden, Gold Pavilion, Osaka Castle, a Sumida River cruise, and more. For more information on the trip or the Otaku Club,...

Fall 2007 Honor Students

The University of Arkansas Community College at Morrilton has announced the Chancellor’s Scholars and Academic Honors lists for the fall 2007 semester.  The Chancellor’s Scholars list is comprised of full-time students who completed at least 12 college-level credit hours with a 4.00 grade point average. Students named as Chancellor’s Scholars for the fall 2007 semester include: Bee Branch—Andrew Kennedy Benton—Josh Hartman Center Ridge—Brittany Flowers Clinton—Kelli Pettit Conway—Leslie Bennefield, Samuel Daniel, Blake Gilbert, Kathleen Hall, Sarah Holt, David Kuipers, Guy Peacock, Janie Roberts, Adam Siebenmorgen, Katherine Simkons, and Misty Simmons  Dardanelle—Riki Pilkington Dover—Joe Riddle Greenbrier—Candi Kellar, Kody Mills, Leonard Montz, Paula Reynolds, and Deanne Thurman Morrilton—Amanda Allred and Erin Wallace Oppelo—Kimberly Nelson Perryville—Misty Burgess Plumerville—Angela Hendricks Russellville—Cherie Aday, Joseph Epperson, Heather ...

Get Fit and Get Cash

Were the holidays unkind to your waistline? Has the luster already worn off your New Year’s resolution to get fit? Would you like to lose some POUNDS and gain some MONEY in a competition against your fellow students? If any of the above applies to you, the Get in Shape by Spring Break contest is just for you. Sponsored by the UACCM Student Government Association, the contest will test your willpower and determination and can lead to better health, some extra money, and bragging rights when you step out on the beach for spring break. Read on... The Basics Contest begins on Monday, February 2 Contest is open to all UACCM students Deadline for entry is Thursday, January 29 (see more below) Winners will be determined using a percent of bodyweight lost system (we’ll base it on the total percentage of your bodyweight lost, not just pounds…so even if you just need to lose a few, you still have a good chance to win!) Contestants weigh-in with “The Weighmaster” at the beginning and end...

Fall 2008 Honor Students

Fall 2008 Honor Students The University of Arkansas Community College at Morrilton has announced the Chancellor’s Scholars and Academic Honors lists for the spring 2008 semester. The Chancellor’s Scholars list is comprised of full-time students who completed at least 12 college-level credit hours with a 4.00 grade point average. Students named as Chancellor’s Scholars for the fall 2008 semester include: Atkins— Lonnie R. Tereza and Jennifer K. Warren Bee Branch— Candy E. Farnsworth and Andrew T. Kupiers Bigelow— Jessica L. Harvey and Veronica N. Sutton Clinton— Bryan A. Standley Conway— Bethany A. Ahne, Leslie A. Bennefeld, Darris L. Bowling, Katie E. Conine, Kaylee A. Davis, Garry R. Enderlin, Laura L. Fields, Rachelle L. Gamble, Sarah E. Hubbard, Whitney A. Linville, Aubrey J. McIntyre, Kristina D. Ong, Alexander K. Peebles, Janie E. Siebenmorgen, and Ellis E. Williams Dardanelle— Jessica W. Lawhon and David A. Sanchez Dover— Sharon L. Metzer Fairfield Bay— Donn...

For all you theatrical types...

For all you dramatic guys and gals out there, the UACCM theatre department will produce its first spring musical, You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown , to be performed in the Fine Arts Auditorium on April 23, 24, 25, and 26. Based on Charles Schultz’s “Peanuts” characters, this award-winning musical is created from little moments picked from all the days of Charlie Brown. Interested in performing? Stop by the general audition on Tuesday, February 10, 2009 at 6:00 pm in the UACCM Fine Arts Auditorium. Auditions are open to the community, and no prior experience is necessary. Be sure to be prepared to sing a simple song of their choice (Happy Birthday, Mary Had a Little Lamb, etc.) in front of several people! Readings from the script will be assigned at the audition. If you have any questions, or for further information, contact Speech/Theatre Instructor Jim Harris at (501) 977-2118 or at .

Library Construction Right on Schedule

Construction on the new library complex at UACCM is “right on schedule” according to Chancellor Nathan Crook. “Construction got off to a slow start due to problems related to ordering the steel structure, but the general contractor has pushed hard to catch up, so we are back on track,” Crook said. Construction on the $3.9 million, 26,000-square-foot complex began in June of this year. When complete, it will feature approximately 15,000-square-feet of library space, seven general-use classrooms, and 10 faculty offices. The complex will include the new E. Allen Gordon Library to replace the current library on campus which was last renovated in April of 1994. Since then, UACCM has experienced a whopping 250 percent increase in enrollment. The new library will also include group study rooms, Wi-Fi connections, and a LOT more space and seating. For all of you lucky enough to be students next semester, looks like you'll have a nice place to spread out and study.

Players Needed

Feeling theatrical? The Rialto Players will hold auditions for a pair of spring productions on Tuesday, January 20 at 7:00 p.m. at the Rialto Theater in downtown Morrilton. Auditions for "The Express Line" and "The Hallelujah Girls" will take place simultaneously at the theater. Anyone interested in volunteering backstage is also encouraged to attend. To find out how to get your act on, call the Rialto at 477-9955 or e-mail .

Get the Blues on February 12

Essie Neal, better known as “Essie the Blues Lady,” will present a free blues concert on Thursday, February 12, 2008 at 7:00 pm in the Fine Arts Auditorium on campus at the University of Arkansas Community College at Morrilton. The concert, part of the college’s Black History Month tribute, will be open to the public and free of charge. Neal performs frequently in festivals, schools, and numerous venues across Arkansas. In 2008, Neal was inducted into the Blues Hall of Fame, where she stands alongside dozens of influential blues performers. She was recently quoted as saying "I was born into the blues, I was raised on the blues, and I'm a product of the blues." For more information on this or any other community event sponsored throughout the year by UACCM, including an upcoming visit from a Holocaust survivor, drop us a line .