
Showing posts from May, 2009

Golf Tournament: Check. Now Give us your Blood!

Well, the annual UACCM Foundation Golf Tournament is finally over, and this year's event can only be described as a great success. We're still crunching the numbers, but it looks like we raised some good money for the College. We'll get back to you with a total number and exactly what we plan to use it for. Now that the golf tourney is out of the way, let's move on to our next event: a blood drive! That's right, next Tuesday, June 2 will give each and every person on campus the chance to save a life. The Red Cross Bloodmobile will be on campus from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm to take your blood and help replenish you with snacks, drinks, and other goodies for donating. Location is still TBA, so just keep your eyes peeled for a giant winnebago with a huge red cross on the. I bet you won't miss it. Until Monday, have a great and safe weekend. If you're un lucky enough to be enrolled in summer school, we'll see ya Monday (Monday is the last day to register for summ...

Links for Learning Golf Tournament Tomorrow!

The UACCM Foundation’s annual “Links for Learning” fundraising golf tournament will take place tomorrow at the Morrilton Country Club. The three-person scramble will begin with a shotgun start at 10:00 a.m. The following businesses have announced sponsorship for the tournament: Gold Sponsor ($3,500)— Southwestern Energy Company Tournament Sponsor ($2,000)— Energy Weldfab, Inc. Team Sponsors ($500)— Allen Lipsmeyer Rentals, Benchmark Title, Champion Technologies , Desoto Drilling, Inc., and Regions Bank of Morrilton Food and Beverage Sponsors – Big Star Morrilton Food and Drug, Bonanza, Chick-fil-A of Conway, Coca-Cola of Morrilton, Kroger of Morrilton, Petit Jean Meats, and Warehouse Distributing Company Hole Sponsors ($100)— Adams Eye Care Clinic, American Realty, Arka Valley Liquor , Arvest Bank of Morrilton, Benchmark Title, Central Arkansas Dust Control, Champion Technologies , Conway County Economic Development Corp., DeSoto Drilling, Inc. , Energy Weldfab, Inc., McDonald’s of Mo...

PBL Members Take Honors at State Competition

Six Phi Beta Lambda (PBL) students represented UACCM at the 2009 PBL State Leadership Conference in Hot Springs on April 20 and 21. The students competed against both two- and four-year college students in various events by taking both written and skills tests designed to measure and challenge students’ knowledge, ability, and skill level. The students placed in the events listed below: Laura Breedlove 4th Place Business Presentation Team Connie Cates 4th Place Business English Brittany Keen 5th Place Hospitality Management Team Charlie Passmore 3rd Place Accounting Principles 5th Place Hospitality Management Team Amanda Renard 4th Place Business Presentation Team 4th Place Administrative Services 2nd Place Machine Transcription Charlie Passmore’s place in the Accounting Principles event earns her the opportunity to compete at the Phi Beta Lambda National Leadership Conference in Anaheim, California, in June. Congrats, everyone! In the Photo: UACCM students (from left) Charlie Passmor...

"Links for Learning" Golf Tournament NEXT WEEK!

The UACCM Foundation is making preparations for its fourth annual “Links for Learning” fundraising golf tournament scheduled for next Thursday, May 28, at the Morrilton Country Club. The three-person scramble will begin with a shotgun start at 10:00 am. The cost of entry for play is $50 per player or $150 for each three-person team (there are only a few spaces hurry!) Golf carts will be provided. Lunch and beverages will be provided, and all players will receive a gift bag. The College Foundation is still seeking sponsors in the form of Platinum-Level ($5000), Gold-Level ($3500), Tournament sponsorships ($2000), team sponsorships ($500), and hole sponsorships ($100). Details regarding the benefits of each level of sponsorship are listed on the special “Links for Learning” page of the college Web site, which you can find here. An awards ceremony and reception will be held in the Country Club dining room following the tournament. Prizes will be awarded in three flights. There...

Strickland Speaks About Importance of Higher Ed

The  Conway  County  School Counts!  Steering Committee recently invited Shekinna Stricklen—Morrilton High School (MHS) graduate and University of Tennessee Lady Volunteer basketball standout—to speak to middle school and junior high-age students in Conway County about the importance of school attendance and maintaining good grades in anticipation of continuing their education beyond high school. Stricklen is an Arkansas Scholar, and she emphasized the goals and overall importance of the  School Counts!  initiative very effectively during her presentations to students at Morrilton Junior High School, Nemo Vista, and Sacred Heart School. Students from Wonderview Schools also attended the presentation at Nemo Vista. Stricklen said “You should all be setting goals about what you want to do when you get older and stick with them. If you attend class every day, work with your counselor, and keep your grades up, you will be prepared to manage your life in the ...

School Counts! to Shekinna Stricklen

The Conway County School Counts! Steering Committee recently invited Shekinna Stricklen—Morrilton High School (MHS) graduate and University of Tennessee Lady Volunteer basketball standout—to speak to middle school and junior high-age students in Conway County about the importance of school attendance and maintaining good grades in anticipation of continuing their education beyond high school. Stricklen is an Arkansas Scholar, and she emphasized the goals and overall importance of the School Counts! initiative very effectively during her presentations to students at Morrilton Junior High School, Nemo Vista, and Sacred Heart School. Students from Wonderview Schools also attended the presentation at Nemo Vista. Stricklen said “You should all be setting goals about what you want to do when you get older and stick with them. If you attend class every day and keep your grades up, you will be prepared to manage your life in the real world.” 2009 MHS graduate Latoya McCoy also attended the pr...

State Farm Donates Big $$$

Ancel Carlon of State Farm Insurance in Morrilton recently presented two checks to UACCM. The funds, along with matching gifts from the State Farm Foundation, totaled $5000 donated to the college. A portion of the funds will be utilized by the UACCM Foundation, which supports the college through the funding of programs, equipment, and facilities that may not be paid for through the general operating budget. The Foundation will place the donation into a general campus improvement fund, which will include beautification projects campus-wide. The remaining funds will be used to purchase supplies and equipment for UACCM’s upcoming Kid’s College. Scheduled for July 20-24 at UACCM, Kid’s College will feature a full week of imagination, education, and fun for children who have completed kindergarten through third grades. UACCM Director of Community Outreach Aaron Spivey said “We never would have been able to provide such an exciting adventure for Kid’s College participants without this donati...

"Starlight Cinema" Returns June 4

It’s time to dust off your lawn chairs and lay out your blankets to get ready for the first “Starlight Cinema” free outdoor movie night of the season! The season’s kick-off has been rescheduled due to recent inclement weather and will be held on the evening of Thursday, June 4 in the UACCM Plaza Courtyard. The community event is being sponsored by Farm Bureau Insurance of Morrilton and the college and will feature the 2008 Disney hit movie “Bolt”. The movie will begin at approximately 8:30 p.m., and admission is open and free to the community in addition to UACCM students, faculty, and staff. “Bolt” tells the story of a dog convinced that his role as a super dog he plays in a TV series is reality. Bolt is obsessed with keeping his owner protected from the green-eyed man of the television show. This takes him to the point of no return when he believes that his owner has been kidnapped, leading to him being packaged and shipped to New York City where he meets an alley cat named Mittens a...

Graduation Today and Tobacco-Free Tomorrow

Greetings, everybody. Just a couple of reminders this morning: The pinning ceremony for practical nurses will be held at 4:00 this afternoon at the First Baptist Church in Morrilton . The spring 2009 commencement ceremony is also coming up this evening at 7:00 in H.B. White Auditorium at Morrilton High School. Be sure to stop in and cheer on our 217 graduates this semester! Congratulations, graduates! If anyone is around tomorrow, be sure to remember that UACCM's Tobacco-Free campus is here! All use of cigarettes and other tobacco products will be prohibited on campus starting tomorrow, and you may be forced to pay $30.00 fine if you decide to light up! We hope everyone is having a great end of the semester. We'll see ya in a few.

We Always Knew we were Above Average...

During the spring 2009 Semester, the National Occupational Competency Testing Institute ( NOCTI ) Exam was given to college students enrolled in their last semester prior to graduation in the areas of automotive technology, business (emphasis in accounting and in retail trades), and computer information systems (emphasis in computer technology and computer repair technology). UACCM students who recently completed the exam scored above the state and national averages­ in the areas of basic accounting, automotive technician, computer repair technology, computer technology, and retail trades. The NOCTI Exam is designed to measure students’ abilities to carry out work-related tasks that are similar to actual on the job work performed by an entry-level or experienced worker in their chosen career field. The NOCTI is not designed to predict a student’s future success after UACCM, but it is regarded as an accurate method to establish an individual’s current skill level in his or her cho...

Graphic Design Students Help Out and Win $$

Recently, several students enrolled in the UACCM Graphic Design Program participated in a brochure design contest sponsored by the Conway County Single Parent Scholarship ( CCSPS ) Board. Students were asked to develop a brochure idea that could be used by the CCSPS Board as a promotional and informational tool, and students were encouraged to use their creativity skills in developing a functional piece. Students under the classroom supervision of Graphic Design Instructor Ken Lee participated in the project. Upon completing their individual designs, students met with a CCSPS Board member panel and explained their design ideas and a sample of their artwork to the panel. Awards were presented on May 5 to the following students: -Brandon Reeves of Conway - 1st place ($100 award) -Trisha Cheshire of Russellville - 2 nd place ($75 award) -Grace Waldner of Conway - 3rd place ($50 award) -Allison Tapp of Houston - Honorable Mention ($25 award) All participating students were commended...

Sell Your Books Before It's too Late

Good afternoon, everybody. I hope finals are treating you all well (they're almost over, hang in there). Speaking of finals being almost over, it's about high time you sell those books back, right? Stop by the University Bookstore this afternoon before 4:00 or on Monday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm and get some serious ca$h for all those books once your finals are over. They'll buy them back anytime, but they're worth the most RIGHT NOW, so don't drag those feet. Be sure and watch the blog next week and throughout the summer to keep up with what's going on here at UACCM . We hope you have a great summer and, if you're not graduating, we hope to see you again in the fall. Don't forget about the GED graduation, practical nursing pinning ceremony, and regular commencement next week. Look t the dates to the left to see when it's all going down. Have a safe and happy weekend! P.S. A week or so ago, you may have read about the faculty/staff intramurals team ...

Library Moving Sale and Healthy Winners

Attention all book lovers: In preparation for the move to the new library, the library staff has weeded the collection using the following criteria: condition, publication date, circulation record, duplications and if that subject area is still a part of our curriculum. As a result, there are about 250 volumes the library will offer for sale to anyone interested. The sale will start tomorrow (Friday) morning at 8:00 am. All proceeds from the sale will be used to purchase new materials for the shiny new library set to open this fall. Winners, winners, winners: Congratulations to UACCM Bookstore Manager Melanie Tipton , winner of the UACCM Health, Wellness & Safety Fair 5K Walk/Run last week! Kudos to Terrica Morris (2 nd place) and Lisa Gunderman (3rd place). Thanks to all who participated on that very warm, humid day, and to Shelley Price for organizing the 5K. Winner of Kenny Chesney Concert Tickets was Kelley D. Kuhn! CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL!!!!

Finals Week Kickoff

Well, it looks like things are just about ready to wrap up around here for another semester. Final exams start today and will continue through the remainder of this week and next Monday. Don't forget the best thing about finals week.....the FREE PIZZA! SGA is again sponsoring free finals week pizza today and tomorrow beginning at 11:00 am in all campus buildings. Stop by and grab a slice before your next final...maybe it's just the boost you need to make it through the rest of the day! Don't drag your feet, 'cause when it's gone, it's gone! And don't forget to throw your SGA members a high-five when you see 'em. GOOD LUCK ON FINALS!

One More Round of Scholarships (and a VERY Important Deadline)

Below are a few final scholarships available for the upcoming fall or spring semesters. First of all, you MUST complete and/or update your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) by June 1 to be eligible for any scholarships, grants, or loans for the fall 2009 or spring 2010 academic semesters. To update your information, go to or stop by the Financial Aid Office in the University Center ASAP. The Huff Sanitation Environmental Awareness Scholarship is a $250 scholarship being awarded for the fall 2009 semester. To be eligible, applicants must have maintained a high school or college GPA of at least 3.0, and applicants must submit a 500 word essay on the following topic: “How Religious Beliefs Shape Environmental Conservation.” Students from all majors and all religious backgrounds are encouraged to apply. Deadline: May 11. The Mid-America Science Museum Scholarship is a $1500 scholarship is available to college junior or senior level students majoring in a ...

Finals = FREE food and CASH

Finals are Here Well, the end of the semester is definitely in sight! In fact, TOMORROW is the last class day of the semester . Exams start Wednesday, so I hope you used your weekend wisely. Good Luck! SGA Pizza = FREE Food for Thought Need to re-charge between finals? The UACCM Student Government Association is again providing FREE pizza for students during finals week this semester. Pizza will be available starting at 11:00 am on Wednesday, May 6 and Thursday, May 7 in the University Center, Business Technology Center, Kirk Building, Science Building and Tech I, II, and III Buildings. Follow your nose and you’ll be sure to find a hot delicious treat to help you survive finals, thanks to your SGA . Don’t drag your feet, ‘cause when it’s gone, it’s gone! CA$H for Book$ Attention upcoming graduates: Caps and Gowns are in! You can stop by the University Bookstore during regular hours of operation (7:30 am – 5:00 pm) and pick them up to get ready for the big event! If you’re...