12 Tips on How to Eat Better

March is National Nutrition Month, and UACCM's Wellness Is Necessary Committee (W.I.N.) is offering tips on how to eat more healthy. If you feel like you or your family are not getting enough nutrition, there are several ways to get your diet under control. These tips are provided by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics . 1). Eat Breakfast Start your morning with a healthy breakfast that includes lean protein, whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Try making a breakfast burrito with scrambled eggs, low-fat cheese, salsa and a whole wheat tortilla or a parfait with low-fat plain yogurt, fruit and whole grain cereal. 2). Make Half Your Plate Fruits and Vegetables Fruits and veggies add color, flavor and texture plus vitamins, minerals and fiber to your plate. Make 2 cups of fruit and 2 ½ cups of vegetables your daily goal. Experiment with different types, including fresh, frozen and canned. 3). Watch Portion Sizes Get out the measuring cups and see how close your po...