
Showing posts from March, 2009

Choir Concerts Coming up this Week!

The UACCM choirs are set to perform in two separate performances on Thursday, April 2. The UACCM Choir, composed of UACCM students, will perform in a free concert at 7:00 pm in the Fine Arts Auditorium on campus. The program, entitled “A Tribute to American Music,” will contain a mixture of several genres of American music including folk songs, hymns, bluegrass, spirituals, gospel, and even a little bit of Broadway. As an added bonus, anyone attending the concert will get a quick sneak peek of a scene from the UACCM Theatre Department’s upcoming performance of “You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown” slated for April 23 through 26. The choir is under the direction of Shannah Cummings. The UACCM Community Choir will also be performing at 7:00 pm on April 2 at the community pre-Easter service held at the First Assembly of God Church in Morrilton. This event will include all denominations of religions in the community and is sponsored by the Ministerial Alliance. The Community Choir includes fa...

Tuesday, March 31 news

Happy Tuesday morning, all. Charles Harrell (auto collission) is out today, but his classes are NOT cancelled. Misty Foshee is also out, and her classes ARE cancelled. Ron Beckman (business) didn't make it in, either, and his classes are also cancelled. Be sure to watch the blog today...there are several good things on their way out today...and don't forget the job fair today in the Business Technology Center. Swing by from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm and check it out. Have a great one.

Welcome Back (well, most of you anyway)!

Welcome back! We hope you all had an amazing spring break, and we're sure you are all very excited to be back on campus this morning. Anyone looking for Dennis White might have a hard time locating him, though (guess he's still sprawled out on the sandy spring break beaches or sleeping off his week of fun)! Keep your eyes on the blog for some exciting things coming up later this week. Don't forget about the Career Connections job fair tomorrow (see previous post), and all the club meetings coming up this week. Once again, we're glad to have you all back...have a great week!

Spring Break's Almost Over...Get ready to step into the real world with Career Connections

Spring break is almost over, so it's time to get back to the books. In a couple of months (for a lot of students) it will be time to enter the real world! For most students, those two words beside one another incite fear and dread, so to help you get started in the right direction, be sure to stop by the UACCM Career Connections Job Fair coming up on Tuesday, March 31 from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm in the Business Technology Center. Drop in and check out the employers working in your career field, explore job opportunities, and find out what the businesses out there are looking for in new employees. If you plan to stop by, be sure to dress appropriately and be prepared for mini-interviews held on-site. Most importantly, be ready to do some serious networking. Who knows? The employer you meet may be your boss after graduation! For more information contact Lynn Baker at (501) 977-2012 or at . Have a great weekend and we'll see you Monday.

Cut the Ribbon! New Pavilion Dedicated

UACCM recently held a ribbon cutting for the new UACCM Pavilion, which was purchased by the UACCM Foundation using proceeds from numerous special events and donations from area businesses and residents. Shown cutting the ribbon is UACCM Foundation Board Chair Doug Cahill. Also pictured are members of the UACCM Foundation Board, community leaders, and UACCM employees and students. The next Foundation event is the annual “Links for Learning” Golf Tournament scheduled for Thursday, May 28 at the Morrilton Country Club.

Happy Friday Before Spring Break!

Well, it's almost officially spring break, and it looked like everyone pulled themselves together today...for the first time in the history of The Campus Link Blog, there is NO ONE missing/no classes cancelled today! So head to class one last time, and have a SAFE and GREAT spring break! EDIT: Looks like I lied! There are two instructors out today and all of their classes are cancelled: Dana Strassle (physical science/biology) Anita Fowler (English)

Survivor Presentations an Inspiration to All

UACCM and the Morrilton area were privileged last week to witness two presentations featuring a true living piece of history. Survivor Agi Geva shared her eyewitness account of the events she experienced throughout the Holocaust with hundreds of area students and adults during presentations at H.B. White Auditorium at Morrilton High School and in the UACCM Fine Arts Auditorium. Unfortunately, a reality we face today is that in 15 to 20 years, the last remaining eyewitnesses to the atrocities of the Holocaust will be gone, and while in Morrilton, Geva captivated audiences by telling of her time growing up in Hungary, her time spent in the notorious Nazi death camps of Auschwitz and Plaszow, the 400 kilometer forced death march she managed to survive alongside her mother and younger sister, and her eventual liberation by the American Army. A question and answer session followed each presentation, and audiences were then invited onstage to visit with Geva and view the infamous Auschwitz ...

No Bonding Time Today

Ashley Bonds is out today and all classes are cancelled. Nanette Berry is also out, but her classes are still in session! Have a great rainy Thursday. Spring break starts in just a couple days...can't you almost smell the salty breezes blowing off the ocean waters? Enjoy your spring break, but be ready when you get back for... The UACCM Career Connections Job Fair The UACCM Career Connections Job Fair is scheduled for Tuesday, March 31 from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm in the Business Technology Center. Stop by and check out the employers working in your career field, explore job opportunities, and find out what the businesses out there are looking for in new employees. If you plan to stop by, be sure to dress appropriately and be prepared for mini-interviews held on-site. Most importantly, be ready to do some serious networking. Who knows? The employer you meet may be your boss after graduation! For more information contact Lynn Baker at (501) 977-2012 or at .

Reminder: Take a Survey ASAP and Sign up for The Crop

The Survey is in Your E-Mail All students enrolled in any business class at UACCM : we need you to take a survey! Be sure to check your STUDENT E-MAIL for a link to a survey being conducted to help you tell about your experiences in your class(es) and help improve services for you and other students. The deadline to complete the survey is this Friday, March 20, so act fast! While you're in your student E-mail, make sure to look around. You get TONS of good info. there every day, so who knows what you'll find. Try to make a habit of checking it at least every once in a while! Like to Scrapbook, Sign up for The Crop If you or somebody you know loves some scrapbooking action and needs some inspiration, new ideas, updated techniques, and some camaraderie, be sure to check out the UACCM Crop. Sponsored by the UACCM Phi Beta Lambda, this fun, educational experience will be held on Friday, April 3 from 6 to 10 pm and on Saturday, April 4 from 8 am to midnight in the UACCM Business T...

Wednesday's Missing Folks

It's sure to be a gloomy and quiet day at UACCM , because Shannah Cummings (music) is out and all of her classes are cancelled! All of you who are used to hearing the sounds of the choir drift across campus will have to wait until tomorrow to get your fix. The new Campus Link newsletter comes out today! Look for the new edition in the wall-mounted racks in each building on campus. The week's halfway over! Just a few more days until spring break! EDIT: Lewis Hunt's 12:00 class today has been cancelled. Pat Bailey's evening classes are cancelled, but students in these classes are welcome and encouraged to come in and work on group projects during the regular class meeting times.

Stay Safe during Spring Break & On Campus

Sign up to be safe and win some cash The UACCM Students R HEROES group will challenge students, faculty and staff on Wednesday & Thursday this week to make a pledge to be SAFE and SOBER while on Spring Break. During various times on those days, the HEROES members will be located in the Plaza, BTC, UC and FA buildings. The name of each person who signs the pledge will be placed in a drawing for a $30 gift card. SIGN UP and WIN (in more ways than one!) CSI Conference coming up in Conway All UACCM students are invited to attend the CSI—Campus Safety Intensive conference sponsored by the ACDEC (Arkansas Collegiate Drug Education Committee) on Friday, April 10 at Hendrix College in Conway. This will be an official student activity and there is no charge for the event, so feel free to tag along and learn about how to make UACCM a safe place to be. Several students in the Students R Heroes group are planning to attend, and transportation can be arranged for anyone interested. The deadline...

The Lost Boys (and Girl) of Tuesday

Danny Gifford (air conditioning, heating, and refrigeration technology) and Steve Wallace (computer information systems) are both out today, so all their classes are cancelled. Renee Raper (adult education/nursing secretary) will be out until noon today. Be sure to check out the student organization meetings during X-period today, and have a great Tuesday!

Monday, March 16 Class Cancellations

ShannonVaughn (math) and Steve Wallace (computer information systems technology) are both out today, so all of their usual classes are cancelled. Janie Wagner (community outreach) is out on vacation. One more week 'til spring break! Make the most of it.

Happy Friday the 13th...Who's Not Here?

These folks are out today, so don't bother heading to their classes (unless you want to spend some time alone in the dark): Anthony Holt (biology) Terry Cleaver (surveying) Traci Caldwell (English) Amber Anderson (health sciences and education secretary) and Janie Wagner (community outreach secretary) are both out too. Have a great Friday and a safe and FUN weekend. Only one more week 'til spring break! EDIT: Heather Solano's 1:00 pm class is also cancelled.

Survivor Pictures

Here are a few quick pix from the Holocaust survivor presentation held on Wednesday, March 11 in the H.B. White Auditorium at Morrilton High School. If you missed the presentation, Agi will be in the Fine Arts Auditorium on the UACCM campus this evening at 7:00.

There's Still Time to Submit "The Write Stuff"

The UACCM Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society is again sponsoring “The Write Stuff” writing competition and offering prizes including a three hour tuition credit to UACCM for the best poems, essays, and short stories submitted by students. The competition is open to all high school age students or older, and entries will be judged by UACCM English faculty members on their creativity, impact, command of genre, and fluency in mechanics and conventions of writing. The winner in each category will receive a $100 prize, with the overall winner receiving a three credit hour tuition waiver to be used at UACCM in addition to the $100 prize. All entries submitted must be typed and double-spaced using a standard 12-point font, have one-inch margins, and include a header including the writer’s last name and page number. Poems should fall between eight and 50 lines, short stories should be between four and 15 pages, and essays should be from three to six pages in length. Participants ...

Conferences Cancel Classes and Today's Stuff!

Terry Cleaver (surveying) is out at a conference today, so his classes are cancelled as well. Finally, Janie Wagner (community outreach) is out on vacation. Be sure to remember these things going on today at UACCM Click for more info.): transfer fair being held from 11:00 am until 1:00 pm today in the UC hallways motivational speaker scheduled at noon in the Fine Arts Auditorium Historic Trains of California trip preview at 5:30 pm in the BTC Room 209 Holocaust survivor presentation this evening at 7:00 in the Fine Arts Auditorium Wow, there's a lot going on around here today! Also, don't forget the student organization meetings scheduled for X-period today. Have a great rainy day!

Motivation Comes Free at UACCM

Need some motivation? If so, plan to attend “Winning Is Within Your Reach” by J. Duey Hatton tomorrow (March 11) during X-period in the Fine Arts Auditorium. Hatton is referred to as “Mr. Enthusiasm” because he holds his audiences spellbound with his mixture of high-energy and soul-touching messages.Hatton, a former high school coach and community college dean, is the director of public relations and development for Abundant Life Schools in Sherwood and a member of the Speakers International Network, the Professional Speakers Alliance, and Toastmasters International. The presentation is hosted by Phi Beta Lambda as part of its National FBLA/PBL week activities, so come on down to the auditorium and check it out.

Daily Cancellations & Announcements

Traci Caldwell (English) is out today, and her classes are cancelled. Renee Raper (adult ed./nursing secretary) is out as well. Don't forget to swing by H.B. White Auditorium at Morrilton High School today at noon to check out Holocaust survivor Agi Geva . Have a great Wednesday!

Holocaust Survivor Agi Geva Coming Tomorrow!

Don't forget: Tomorrow (Wednesday) and Thursday of this week, UACCM will be honored to bring an individual to Morrilton who has survived one of the most horrific events in history: The Holocaust. Agi Geva will present an account of her experiences during the Holocaust in the H.B. White Auditorium on the Morrilton High School campus on Wednesday, March 11 at noon and in the UACCM Fine Arts Auditorium on Thursday, March 12 at 7:00 p.m. The noon presentation on Wednesday has been relocated to H.B. White auditorium from the UACCM Fine Arts Auditorium due to the large crowd anticipated due to early response to announcements of the event. The event, sponsored by the college, is being offered free and is open to the public. Agi was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1930. When the German occupation of Hungary occurred on March 19, 1944, Agi, her sister Zsuzsanna and their mother, Rozsa, were deported to Auschwitz, the notorious Nazi death camp in Poland. Despite many selections, Rozsa and her...

Tuesday, March 10 Cancellations

Larry Lachowsky's drafting/surveying classes are cancelled today. Don't forget all the student clubs/organizations meeting today during X-period. Have a great Tuesday!

"You're a Good Man" Cast Announced

The UACCM Theatre Department has announced the cast for its upcoming musical production of You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown . The cast includes several area residents whose names, characters, and hometowns are listed below: Amber Addley of Conway—Lucy Van Pelt Brad Bergdoff of Clinton—Charlie Brown Tabatha Duvall of Russellville—Ensemble Catie Hubbard of Houston—Ensemble Shawn Huff of Morrilton—Linus Van Pelt Kaitlyn Neal of Mayflower—Sally Brown Devin Pettinger of Perryville—Ensemble Justin Pike of Morrilton—Schroeder Jace Stephens of Damascus—Snoopy Kendra Thomas of Conway—Ensemble Stephanie Yancey of Springfield—Ensemble The cast has already begun rehearsals in preparation for UACCM’s first musical production, scheduled for April 23, 24, and 25 at 7:30 pm and April 26 at 2:30 pm. Each performance will be held in the UACCM Fine Arts Auditorium, and tickets are $8.00 for adults and $5.00 for non-UACCM students. Tickets are free for UACCM students, faculty, and staff. For...

Monday's Missing People

Tina Lake (fine arts) and Danna Crook (reading) are both out today, and their classes are all cancelled. Don't forget a few things on the calendar this week: Tuesday—Intramural Horseshoes begins Wednesday— Agi Geva : Surviving the Holocaust free presentation, noon, H.B. White Auditorium, Morrilton High School Thursday— Agi Geva : Surviving the Holocaust free presentation, 7:00 pm, Fine Arts Auditorium Thursday—College Transfer Fair, 11:00 am to 1:00 pm, University Center Hallways Thursday--"Winning is Within Your Reach" presentation, X-period, Fine Arts Auditorium Have a great week!

UACCM Journeys to Japan on EF Tours

Two World Literature instructors will lead students and interested community members to discover the mystery of Japan during an EF Educational Tour. EF is the world’s largest private educational organization with offices and schools in over 50 countries. EF offers language travel and cultural exchange programs for students of all ages and is dedicated to breaking down barriers of language, geography and culture.  Lyndsey Daniel and Karen Caig will take a group to explore Japan during the May 2010 Intercession. Travelers may be able to choose to take a 3-hour humanities course on Japan in addition to the trip. Currently, Arkansas hosts many students from Japan at its major universities, and a knowledge of the Japanese culture is becoming increasingly important in global business. UACCM recently created a Japanese Club (Otaku Club) to accommodate the growing interest in Japan. Those who register with a $95.00 deposit by January 31, 2009 can lock in the 2008 tour prices of $2954 ...

UACCM Purchases Former Greer's Building Downtown

The University of Arkansas Community College at Morrilton announced on Friday, January 16, that the University of Arkansas Board of Trustees has approved the purchase of the former Greer’s Building located at 115 Broadway in historic downtown Morrilton. The 7,500-square-foot building will eventually house the UACCM Community Outreach Department. According to UACCM Chancellor Nathan Crook, the purchase and renovation of the property will accomplish several things. “First, we like the idea of having a presence in downtown Morrilton. Also, after seventeen years of record-breaking growth, we have simply outgrown the buildings on our campus,” he said. Moving the Community Outreach Department downtown is expected to alleviate the competition for parking and classroom spaces to accommodate a growing student population. An architectural renovation plan will be prepared following the transfer of the building’s title to the University of Arkansas System, but initial planning indicates the...

Fall 2008 Graduates

Fall 2008 Graduates The University of Arkansas Community College at Morrilton held its fall commencement exercises on December 18, 2008 at 7:00 pm in the H.B. White Auditorium on the Morrilton High School campus.  There were 177 graduates. Students graduating from UACCM included (with hometown, award and major listed): Benton County Resident:  Matthew E. Grimes of Rogers, Associate of Applied Science and Certificate in Surveying Cleburne County Resident:  Lacy Kubli of Quitman, Associate of Arts in General Education Conway County Residents:  Stephanie Bailey of Morrilton, Certificate in Practical Nursing; Roxan S. Black of Morrilton, Associate of Applied Science in Business Office Technology; Timothy S. Blake of Plumerville, Associate of Applied Science in Petroleum Technology; Justin K. Brooks of Morrilton, Associate of Applied Science and Certificate in Automotive Collision Repair Technology; Julie Burkheart of Plumerville, Certificate in Practical Nursing...

Starting the Weekend Early!

So who's making a three-day weekend for themselves? No one at UACCM , of course, but here are the people and the classes that have shut down for the week: CC Hogan (career pathways) - CP Lab will be open Charles Harrell (auto collision repair) - Classes not cancelled Gwen Galloway (practical nursing) Ron Beckman (business) - classes cancelled Shannah Cummings (choir; out at conference) - classes will not meet Have a good day, and look for more blog posts coming your way soon. TGIF!

Daily Cancellations and Something Sweet

The following folks are out today: Juanita Owens (English) - Classes Cancelled Shannah Cummings (choir; out at conference) - Classes will not meet Karen Fielder (childcare) Amber Anderson (health sciences & education secretary) Don't forget about the bake sale today from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm in Room 206 in the Business Technology Center. The sale will be a silent auction format, so if you bid early, be sure to check back at the conclusion of the sale to see if you won. All proceeds benefit the Conway County Care Center. See you there!

Almost Ready to Transfer?

If you are interested in transferring to a four-year university after your time at UACCM, be sure to drop by the UACCM Spring Transfer Fair on Thursday, March 12 from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm in the University Center hallways. This is your chance to visit with representatives from the following institutions and programs: Arkansas Student Loan Authority Arkansas Tech University ATU Rehabilitation Science Baptist Health Schools – Little Rock Henderson State University John Brown University U.S. Navy Southern Arkansas University University of Arkansas – Fayetteville University of Arkansas – Fort Smith University of Arkansas – Little Rock University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences UAMS Surgical Technology Program University of Arkansas – Monticello University of Arkansas – Pine Bluff University of Central Arkansas University of Phoenix Before you attend the transfer fair, be sure to talk with your UACCM advisor about applying for graduation, print your transcript on CampusConnect and bring it ...

Absences & Cancellations - March 4

Today's absences and cancellations: Margie Fillinger (early childhood) - Out at a meeting; classes cancelled Shannah Cummings (music) - Out at a conference; classes not meeting Betty Hurst ( BTC Lab) - Out sick Marilyn Thomas (health sciences & adult ed.) - Out at a meeting Watch today for the newest issue of The Campus Link, and be sure to check out all the new dates added to the left. Have a great Wednesday!

Sweeeet! Bake Sale Coming Up

The Conway County Vision 2020 Class XI is hosting “Caring for the Care Center,” a benefit banquet for the Conway County Care Center, on March 14, 2009 at 6:00 p.m. at the Downtown Church of Christ Family Life Center. The event will feature a formal dinner, live and silent auction, and a friendly competition between members of each table during the event. The UACCM table is sponsoring a bake sale on Thursday, March 5 from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm in Room 206 in the Business Technology Center. All money raised through the bake sale will go towards the total money raised by the UACCM table, and will ultimately go to the Conway County Care Center. If you have a sweet tooth, be sure to stop by and bid on some awesome goodies. If you are interested in bringing a baked good to donate to the sale, drop it by BTC Room 206 before the bake sale kicks off. For more information, contact Kristi Strain at 501-977-2085 or at .

WRI Summer Internships Available

Looking for something to do over the summer? The Winthrop Rockefeller Institute of the University of Arkansas System is looking for college students or recent graduates willing to work as interns or counselors at its third annual summer arts camp. Interns must have at least two years of schooling beyond high school and have an interest in the arts or in arts education. This is a great opportunity to show off what you have learned at UACCM, and it will also give you some real world experience in a fun setting. Envision U is a one-week, residential, interdisciplinary summer arts camp for high school students. The camp is held at the Rockefeller Institute on Petit Jean Mountain. Envision U 2009 will take place July 19-25. More details about this opportunity are available at Click on the handprint icon to view the Arts page, then select the Envision U link. The application deadline is April 1, 2009. For more information, contact program coordinator Julie Hall at jhall@uawri....

Daily Rundown: Class Cancellations

Well, it looks like several members of the English Department are out today! All classes taught by Anita Fowler (English), Karen Caig (English), and Traci Caldwell (English) are cancelled. If you want to pick a day to let your grammatical "incorrected ness" run rampant, looks like today is the day. Nanette Lareau (business) is also out today, and her classes are cancelled, too. Be sure to watch tomorrow (hopefully;) for the newest issue of The Campus Link newsletter throughout campus. It has all kinds o' goodies in it for you. News Flash!!! Our Red Cross Blood Drive has a home (two, actually). The bloodmobiles will be located in the Plaza and Science Building parking lots from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm today. Stop by and donate to help save a life!

Free Money!!!

Here are a couple of scholarships currently available. Stop by the Financial Aid Office in the UC for more info. John Shields Scholarship ($1000 Scholarship) - Must be a full-time UACCM surveying student who has completed 24 college-level hours with a minimum GPA of 2.75. You will need a letter of recommendation from a surveying faculty member, a 300-500 word essay describing your interest in surveying, and a list of awards, extracurricular activities, and affiliations which may qualify you for scholarship consideration. This award is for the Fall 2009 semester. The deadline is April 1, 2009. Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship (Two $500 Scholarships) – Must be a current UACCM Phi Theta Kappa member with preference given to “active” members who have completed at least 12 college-level hours with a 3.5 cumulative GPA. This award is for the Fall 2009 semester. The deadline is April 1, 2009.

Daily Cancellations

If you have any classes with Margie Fillinger (early childhood ed.) or Karen Caig (English), you won't find anyone there today! Both instructors are out. For all of you Get in Shapers , students are weighing in today from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm in Room 206 in the Business Technology Center. Happy Monday!