
Showing posts from September, 2017

UACCM Announces Summer 2017 Honors Students

The University of Arkansas Community College at Morrilton is proud to announce the Chancellor's Scholars and Academic Honors lists of students for the summer 2017 semesters. The Chancellor's List is made up of full-time students who completed at least 12 college-level credit hours with a 4.00 grade point average. Students named as Chancellor's Scholars follow (in alphabetical order by city):  Atkins - Jeff Bourns Conway - Katherine Hinman Dardanelle - Cicely Tucker Houston - Amy Rathjen Russellville - Thomas Crow The Academic Honors list is made up of full-time students who completed at least 12 college-level credit hours with a 3.50 to 3.99 grade point average. Students named as Academic Honors recipients follow (in alphabetical order by city):  Conway - Kaitlyn Cozzens, Laura Deramus Delaware - Rhonda Parks Dover - Cecilia Radford Hattieville - Atlanta Turnage Plumerville - Tiffany Watts Russellville - James Masters Vilonia - Grace Worthington

'Surviving College 101' Starts Oct. 9

"Surviving College 101," a new program offered by UACCM's Counseling & Disability Services, will hold workshops each afternoon starting Monday, Oct. 9 through Thursday, Oct. 12. Each workshop will last one hour, and is designed to help students better understand how to take notes, study, and take tests.  "I have a lot of students come in for these types of services throughout the semester, and I would like to reach even more," Cody Davis, a licensed professional counselor at UACCM, said. "I've seen students benefit greatly from these services"   For more information, contact Davis at (501) 977-2095. 

TEAS Testing Still Available Through September

The Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) test, for the Practical Nursing application deadline of Oct. 1, will be offered through the end of September. Students should schedule an appointment well in advance of the deadline to ensure one is available.  A $65 non-refundable, non-transferrable fee must be paid at the Student Accounts Window in the University Center prior to making an appointment, and the receipt must be shown before an appointment is made or a test is administered. Students are only allowed to take the TEAS test once during each Practical Nursing period.  Below are the only dates and times for TEAS testing for the Oct. 1, 2017, Practical Nursing selection period. TEAS test takers arriving late for their scheduled appointment time will not be allowed to enter and must reschedule.  TEAS Testing Dates/Times: Monday, Sept. 25 — 8:30AM, 1PM, 4:30PM Wednesday, Sept. 27 — 8:30AM, 1PM Friday, Sept. 29 — 8:30AM, 1PM Contact Ambe...

New Fall Community Education Courses Available at UACCM

The University of Arkansas Community College at Morrilton will offer several new non-credit courses this fall, including health-related, child care, general skills, and computer skills courses. All courses are open to the public and are sponsored by the Office of Workforce and Community Education. ·       Sept. 28: The Basics: Memory Loss, Dementia, and Alzheimer’s Disease is a program designed to educate participants about the difference between normal memory loss and Alzheimer’s disease. Risk factors for Alzheimer’s, the diagnostic process, and brain changes during the progression of the disease are just some of the topics covered in the program. The course will meet from 6-7 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 28. Registration is free. ·       Oct. 2 – Oct. 25: Participants in the Microsoft Excel Beginner course will learn to create a Microsoft Excel workbook, format and align text, use basic functions such as sum and average, use the ...

UACCM Pageant Set For November 4

The University of Arkansas Community College at Morrilton SkillsUSA chapter will host the eleventh annual UACCM Pageant on Saturday, Nov. 4. The pageant will begin at 10 a.m. in the college's Fine Arts Auditorium.  The pageant is open to current UACCM students, as well as girls between the ages of birth and 17 years old who may compete in seven additional categories. Those competing for the title of Miss UACCM will be judged on beauty, professionalism, speech presentation, and interview skills. The winner of the Miss UACCM division will receive a $1,000 scholarship to the college, and the first alternate in that category will receive a $500 scholarship.  The pageant will run throughout the day, beginning with a welcome ceremony at 10 a.m. followed by the Baby Miss, Tiny Miss, Petite Miss, and Little Miss competitions. At 1 p.m., the Princess Miss, Pre-Teen Miss, and Teen Miss competitions will take place ending with the competition and crowning of Miss UACCM. The pageant i...