
Showing posts from May, 2020

Diana Arn to Retire After 33 Years

Arn at UACCM Commencement; Fall 2019 After 33 years of service to UACCM, Vice Chancellor of Academic Services Diana Arn will retire effective May 31, 2020. As UACCM’s chief academic officer, Arn was responsible for the administration of the college’s instructional and non-instructional academic programs and services. “This is a very bittersweet time for UACCM. While I could not be happier for Ms. Arn as she retires, it will certainly leave a huge hole at UACCM,” Chancellor Lisa Willenberg said. “Her commitment to a quality education and the integrity that accompanied that commitment is by far one of her many great attributes. The combination of her many years’ experience at the same institution undoubtedly means a great deal of institutional knowledge is also being retired.” During her tenure, the campus community grew with new buildings that have been constructed for academic purposes, including the construction of the Workforce Training Center in 2018 that houses several progra...

Collision Repair & Refinishing Tech Program to Return to UACCM This Fall

The University of Arkansas Community College at Morrilton is reactivating its collision repair and refinishing technology program due to increasing demand. The one-year technical certificate program, inactivated in 2018, will return to the UACCM campus in the fall 2020 semester. The program is a comprehensive 30-credit-hour program that prepares students to enter the workforce with skills such as body and frame restoration, metal repair, refinishing processes, and computerized estimates. The program’s goal is to train students at applying techniques to a wide array of problems that vehicles endure on the road—knowledge that is designed to carry the student from the classroom and lab to a workshop. With technical education that values hands-on experience, students will have the ability to earn several industry-recognized certifications while in the program. These certifications raise a student’s employability and skills, as employers seek technicians who can operate certain equi...

Virtual Graduation Celebration: The Class of 2020

Congratulations to the Class of 2020! While we are planning a rescheduled in-person commencement ceremony worthy of what our graduates deserve, we wanted to let them know just how proud we are. Each video--organized by programs of study--contains an address by Chancellor Lisa Willenberg, the naming of graduates, and photos of graduates. All graduates will be eligible to participate at an in-person graduation. The virtual graduation will not prevent students from walking in the future. Air Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration; Auto Service Technology; Drafting; Industrial Mechanics and Maintenance Technology; Surveying, and Welding Business and Computer Information Systems Education and Early Childhood Development General Education and Liberal Arts General Studies Practical Nursing and EMT