2022 Spring Graduates’ Certificates and Degrees Now Ready

Certificates and degrees are now available for all students who have graduated in May 2022 and have completed all required course work. By completing the Post Grad Survey online, graduates may indicate their preference of having the credentials mailed or held for pickup at the Registrar’s Office on the second floor in the University Center. All outstanding financial aid holds must be satisfied before awards will be released. The end of the 2022 Spring semester saw UACCM graduate 320 students who collectively earned 383 awards. Graduates who participated in the May 14 Commencement Ceremony received their diploma covers to symbolically mark their achievement. However, diplomas are only printed after requirements are checked for all graduates. The Registrar’s Office states that this process takes approximately six to eight weeks after the semester ends. Diplomas not picked up or shipped will be held for an indefinite period of time. The Registrar’s office may be reached at 501-977-20...