
Showing posts from September, 2009

Taking Aim at Education

The second annual “Aiming for Education” Skeet Shoot fundraiser for the UACCM Foundation was held on Saturday, September 12, 2009 at Point Remove Hunting Lodge in Hattieville. The event raised approximately $6,500 for the Foundation. 10 gauge sponsors for the event included Winrock Farms and Point Remove Lodge with donations of $2,500 to the Foundation. The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, Ronnie Stell Trenching, and the Winthrop Rockefeller Institute of the University of Arkansas served as 12 gauge sponsors with a donation of $1,000 each. Conway County Regional Water District, Petit Jean State Bank, and Regions Bank of Morrilton were 16 gauge sponsors, with donations of $500 each. 20 gauge sponsors for the event included Entergy Arkansas, Koontz Electric, and Roberson Tire with donations of $250 to the Foundation. .410 gauge sponsors included Academy Sports and Outdoors, Birkner Brothers Limousin, Farmers and Merchants Bank, Pamela Brownlee, Representative Johnny Hoyt, and State ...

Help a neighbor in need...

Here's your chance to help several area people in need: The UACCM English department is collecting food items for Manna from Heaven in Morrilton, a food pantry that lost most of its stock in the recent fire downtown. The pantry serves approximately 800 area families each month and has been forced to throw out all food due to glass and smoke damage. According to a Manna from Heaven volunteer, the pantry was forced to throw out approximately $10,000 worth of food and is currently having to turn hungry families away. If you would like to donate canned goods or dry goods (like cereals and pastas), please drop these items off in the English Department common area (Kirk Building Room 133) . These items will be collected until next Friday, October 1, at which time they will be delivered to Manna from Heaven. Thanks in advance for your donations to this worthy cause!

Oooooze gonna' save us?

Oooze gonna save us?” The next “Starlight Cinema” free outdoor movie night event is scheduled for Thursday, October 8 in the UACCM Plaza Courtyard. The college is sponsoring the 2009 DreamWorks Animation movie “Monsters vs. Aliens” on an extra-large movie screen! The movie under the stars will begin at approximately 6:50 p.m., and admission is open and free to UACCM students, faculty, and staff and community members. Popcorn, drinks, and candy will be available for purchase during the event. “Monsters vs. Aliens” begins when a meteorite from outer space hits a young California woman named Susan Murphy and turns her into a giant monster. She is taken to a secret government compound where she meets a ragtag group of monsters also rounded up over the years. As a last resort, under the guidance of General W.R. Monger, on a desperate order from the President, the motley crew of monsters is called into action to combat invading aliens and save the world from imminent destruction! “Monster...

Wednesday, September 23 Class Cancellations

Here's a look at who is out today: Clem Gruen (drafting instructor) - classes cancelled Karen Caig (English instructor) - classes cancelled Colette Braud (nursing instructor) - classes NOT cancelled There ya have it. Have a great Wednesday...the weekend is slowly creeping up on us!

Tuesday, September 22 Class (and volleyball) Cancellations

Good morning, everybody. Hope you all made it through the storms! Here are the cancelled classes today: Collette Braud (nursing instructor) - classes cancelled Jacob Braud - classes cancelled Jennifer Martsolf (adult education instructor) is out Karen Caig (English instructor) is out, but her classes are NOT cancelled Karen Fielder (childcare) is also out today Remember to check ANGEL for any assignments your absent instructors may have posted. Have a good one! Intramural Volleyball is canceled! If you were scheduled to play Intramural Volleyball today, take note: due to what can only be described as a monsoon of rain, volleyball play today has been canceled. Play will resume on Thursday (weather permitting, of course).

Have an Eye for Design?

Check it out (click to enlarge) the way, this is our 200th blog post!

Monday, September 21 Class Cancellations

Good morning, UACCM. Here's a look at who's out today...check and see if your classes are cancelled: Cindy Thompson (business instructor) - 9:00 am class NOT cancelled, remainder of classes ARE cancelled Juanita Owens (academic achievement instructor) - classes cancelled Karen Caig (English instructor) - classes cancelled Lyndsey Daniel (English instructor) - classes cancelled Watch for several other things coming out today. Have a great week!

Opening the Library Complex in Style

UACCM held a grand opening and open house for the new UACCM Library Complex on Thursday, September 17. Members of the Morrilton Area Chamber of Commerce cut the ribbon to the new facility before visitors were given the opportunity to get an in-depth look at the new 26,000 square-foot building. Guests attending the grand opening enjoyed refreshments and informal tours where they met faculty and staff members who were on hand to answer questions. Ground was broken for the new facility on June 3, 2008, and is the latest new addition to the growing campus in Morrilton. It includes more than 15,000 square feet of library space for the relocated E. Allen Gordon Library, seven classrooms, 10 faculty offices, space for more than 75,000 books, the college academic success computer lab, and more. The new complex also offers Wi-Fi internet access with 20 laptop computers for student use and individual study rooms. According to UACCM Librarian Leroy Gattin, “The new E. Allen Gordon Library provi...

Mo' $Money$!

Who wants some $$$? Pell Grant refund checks will be available for pick up on Monday, September 21st beginning at noon at the Student Accounts Window in the University Center. These refunds are for students who have already received their Pell Grant award letters prior to September 1st. (You can check Campus Connect to see if your Pell grant was awarded before September 1st.) If you are unable to pick up your refund check on that day, it will be available for pick up at the student account window during regular business hours for 3 weeks. After that time, your refund will be mailed to the address that is on file with the Registrar’s Office (you can also check Campus Connect for this address). Remember: You must have your UACCM ID in order to pick up your check. If you do not have your ID, you may purchase another ID for $10.00. So if you can make it through the weekend on what's in your pocket now, you've got it made! 

Attention Pre-PN Majors: Are You TEASing?

Time is running out to take the TEAS test and submit your application for the Practical Nursing program.  Here are a few things you must do, if you have not done so already! If you have already completed all of your prerequisite courses or are currently enrolled in them, you need to take the TEAS test.  This test can only be taken one time per application period .  You must contact Renee Raper at 501-977-2123 or at to schedule a time to take the test.  You must have the test taken by the application deadline Oct. 1, 2009 .   Prerequisite courses include any development math (Math I and Math II), reading and writing courses you may have scored into because of the Compass or ACT Scores, Human Anatomy and Physiology I, Nutrition, Computer Applications and Professional and Ethical Issues in Nursing.   Turn in your Practical Nursing application to the Admissions Office by Oct. 1, 2009 .  Make sure that it is filled out completely....

Do you know more about pop culture or the US Constitution?

Do you know more about pop culture than the US Constitution? If you do, then you're not alone! In a survey released by the National Constitution Center, evidence of a lack of constitutional knowledge is quite apparent. More students have a greater knowledge of pop culture versus the United States Constitution. Six-hundred students responded to the survey. Key findings from the survey included: 25.5% of respondents know that Philadelphia is the city where the Constitution was written compared to the 75.2% who know that city the zip code 90210 is attributed to. 21.1% of respondents know how many senators served in the U.S. Senate compared to 81.2% who know how many members are in the music group "Hanson." 35.5% or respondents know the first three words of the Constitution compared to 71.2% who know that www is the first three letters of most Web site addresses. 1.8% of respondents know that James Madison is considered the father of the U.S. Constitution compared to 58.3...

UACCM Enrollment Nears 2,500; 24 Percent Increase Over Last Year!

UACCM reported an enrollment of 2,423 students for the fall 2009 semester on the 11th class day, the deadline for public institutions to report their enrollments to the Arkansas Department of Higher Education. This represents an increase of 24 percent from the fall 2008 semester. The fall 2009 semester marks the third largest increase in enrollment in the 48-year history of the institution and the largest single-year increase experienced since 1997. Additionally, the fall 2009 semester marks the first time in UACCM history when more than 2000 credit students are enrolled. Since UACCM’s last year as a vocational technical school in 1990, overall enrollment has increased 662 percent, and has also seen an increase of 88 percent since merging with the University of Arkansas System in 2001. Conway County students account for 22 percent of enrollment at UACCM. In addition, 39 percent from Faulkner County, 7 percent from Perry County, 17 percent from Pope County, 5 percent from Van Buren ...

Wednesday, September 16 Class Cancellations

Here's a look at our class cancellations for today:  John Southerland (welding instructor) - classes canceled Lewis Hunt (biology instructor) - classes canceled Laura Meek (nutrition instructor) - classes canceled  Danae Watson (math instructor) - classes canceled Hope you all make it through the storms today! Good luck! 

Get Fit and Meet Your new SGA

Good afternoon, UACCM. If you're looking for a place to get fit, check out the new Fitness Center located in Union Station in the Kirk Building on campus. The fitness center currently consists of nine MedX selectorized machines, two Kell machines, and one treadmill and is free for UACCM students to use from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday through Friday. Remember: sign in as you enter the fitness center. If you have questions about your health, or if you haven't worked out in a while, be sure to consult a physician before beginning a fitness program. Now, meet the new members of your UACCM Student Government Association! The following students were recently elected as officers for the 2009-2010 SGA: Dustin Taylor - President Shawna Shannon - Vice President April Hudson - Secretary/Treasurer Tonnie Lott - Parliamentarian/Historian This group, along with the other members of SGA, are responsible for bring lots of FREE and FUN stuff to UACCM throughout the year, so be sure to ...

No Class Cancellations for Tuesday, September 15

Enough said!

Come and get your $$$ and ANOTHER part-time job opportunity

Are you entitled to a student loan refund check? The first group of refund checks is available NOW! These checks are available for any student awarded a loan prior to September 1st which UACCM has received funds for. Checks can be picked up at the Student Accounts windows in the University Center. NOTE: You are required to provide a photo ID to pick up your check. Pell Grant refunds are not yet available, but watch your student e-mail and the Campus Link Blog for more information soon. How about an on-campus part-time job? UACCM is currently in need of students willing to serve as UACCM workstudies working Monday-Friday from 4:30 to 6:00 pm. If this sounds like a good deal to you, fill out a workstudy application in the Financial Aid Office. Stop by the office and visit with Vicky Lee for more information. If Intramural Sports are more your cup of tea, you're also in luck! UACCM is currently searching for 5-6 students interested in helping set up/take down equipment, keep sco...

Monday, September 14 Class Cancellations

G'morning, everybody and welcome to another week! Here's a look at who's out today and if their classes are cancelled. Remember: even if your classes are cancelled, you should always check your ANGEL account to see if your instructor has posted an assignment for you. John Southerland (welding instructor) is out, and his classes BEFORE noon are cancelled today.  Traci Caldewll (English instructor) is out today, and all classes are cancelled. Leslie Gomes (math instructor) is out, but her classes are NOT cancelled. Ken Lee (graphic design instructor) is out, but his classes are also NOT cancelled. More info. to come throughout the day, so keep your eyes peeled!

Feeling Sick? STOP...and read this

A memo from UACCM Vice Chancellor for Instruction Diana M. Arn: Due to a larger than normal outbreak of illness including the flu, Chancellor Crook has suspended Policy # 0017 Attendance Policy/Administrative Drop Policy for the Fall 2009 semester. What does this mean to you as a student? While regular attendance is expected of students, faculty members will not drop students for excessive absences. If a student is failing a course, unless the student initiates the drop process themselves, the student will receive a grade of “F” for the course at the end of the semester. Faculty will continue to report attendance for financial aid purposes. Non-attendance could affect financial aid for this or subsequent semesters. Faculty will also be working with students who are out because of flu or illness. Students are NOT required to have doctor’s notice verifying that they have the flu. UACCM will be operating on the honor system. What should you do if you are ill or someone in y...

Raffles, races, and who needs an extra job?

Attention Hunters...Raffle Tickets Available - This Saturday marks the UACCM Foundations "Aiming for Education" Skeet Shoot Fundraiser. Even if you're missing out on Saturday's action, you can still win some awesome prizes! Stop by the UACCM Office of Institutional Advancement in the University Center (ask for us at the Information Desk) and purchase your tickets to have a chance of winning one or more of the following hunting-related items: Ameristep Doghouse Blind Ameristep 2-man Jakehouse Blind Duck Commander Gift Set (2) Ameristep Deluxe Blind Bench Thermacell Personal Mosquito Repellants (2) Tree-Stand Convenience Kit Tickets are $1 each or six for $5. Drawing will be held this Saturday following the skeet shoot event, and you need not be present to win. Good luck! Racing for a Cure - Hey, ladies! The Race for the Cure is scheduled for Saturday, October 17 in Little Rock, and the UACCM team is ready to organize! Anyone interested in joining the team ...

Who decided to stay in bed on this rainy Thursday?

Happy raining Morning, everybody. Here's a look at who's out today: Shannah Cummings (music instructor) is out sick, and her classes are cancelled. Lori Gibbons (adjunct instructor) is out. Students in her classes should check for an assignment on ANGEL, and the previously planned test has been postponed until Tuesday. Larry Lachowsky (drafting instructor) is out at a conference. Charlotte Sax (practical nursing instructor) is out, but her classes are NOT cancelled.  Don't forget to check the dates to the left to see if a club/organization you are interested in might be meeting today during X-period . Have a great (dreary) day!

09-09-09 Class Cancellations, Career Pathways, and Volleyball!

Happy 09-09-09, everybody! Here is a look at who's out today: Danna Crook (academic achievement instructor) is out, and her classes are cancelled. Pat Bailey (speech instructor) is also out, and her classes are cancelled. Shannah Cummings (music instructor) is out again today, and her classes are also cancelled. Karen Caig (English instructor) is out today; classes cancelled. Charlotte Sax (practical nursing) is out. Janie Wagner (community outreach secretary) is out. Leroy Gattin (librarian) is also out today. Career Pathways Students: Don't forget about the CP orientation sessions for new students today at 9:00 am and tomorrow at 12:00 noon in the Career Pathways Computer Lab in the Kirk Building. If you have questions, call 977-2186. Intramural Volleyball is coming up ASAP! Signup sheets are available now in Union Station (former library space) in the Kirk Building. If you've got a team together, you can sign up together, or you can sign up as a free agent an...

Tuesday, September 8 Cancellations and Events!

Good morning, UACCM. We hope you enjoyed your 3-day weekend, and we know you are just dying to get back in the groove of things this morning. On the bright side, it's a short week! Here are a couple of items you might be interested in: Danna Crook (academic achievement instructor) is out again today and her classes are cancelled. Debbie Rodgers (nursing) is out, but only her 8:00 a.m. class is cancelled. Nancy Patterson (business instructor) is out and her classes are cancelled. Pat Bailey (speech instructor) is out as well, and her classes are also cancelled. Shannah Cummings (music instructor) is out, but only her 8:00 a.m. class is cancelled. Josh Markham (learning center tutor) is out today. Leroy Gattin (librarian) is out today. La Pizza Con Funghi - Tonight! Members of the Faulkner Academy of Arts from Conway will be on campus at UACCM on at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, September 8 to present an evening of music and theater. The event, held in the UACCM Fine Arts Auditoriu...

The Opera for Those Who Hate Opera next Tuesday and Intramurals Return!

"La Pizza Con Funghi" Members of the Faulkner Academy of Arts from Conway will be on campus at UACCM on at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, September 8 to present an evening of music and theater. The event, held in the UACCM Fine Arts Auditorium, is open to UACCM students, employees, and the community and is offered free of charge. The first half of the program will consist of the group performing a comic opera entitled "La Pizza Con Funghi" (Pizza with Mushrooms). The show is a slapstick comedy that could certainly be billed as “the opera for people who hate opera,” according to UACCM Music Instructor Shannah Cummings, who is also a member of the Faulkner Academy of Arts. “La Pizza Con Funghi” is a famous one-act play about a wife who decides to murder her husband by feeding him a pizza with poison mushrooms. Unfortunately, the wife’s plan is spoiled by her maid in one of the show’s many twists. The second portion of the program will consist of a variety of musical theat...

Starting the (3-day) Weekend Early and...Union Station is (un)officially Open!

Good morning and happy Friday! Here are a couple of absences/class cancellations for you: Danna Crook (academic achievement instructor) is out today, and her classes are cancelled. Jan Magie (humanities, social sciences, and math secretary) is out. Jennifer Martsolf (adult education instructor) is also out today. Union Station is (un)officially Open Finally, after many weeks of work, the new UACCM student center, Union Station, is unofficially open for business! The new facility is located in Room 105 in the Kirk Building (former library space). While not  exactly complete, the student center area is up and running so that students may study, relax, or hang out between classes. The vending machines from the study lounge in the Kirk Building have been moved into this area as well. In the near future, all aspects of this area will be complete to include a fitness center, a big screen TV, tables and chairs, a ping pong table an...

Thursday, September 3 Class Cancellations and More

G'morning, all. Here are a couple of instructor absences/class cancellations for your information today: Curt Hippensteel (petroleum technology) - classes cancelled Colette Braud (nursing instructor) - classes cancelled Linda Stanley (learning center tutor) is also out today Don't forget about the FREE Comic Hypnotist performance scheduled for noon today in the Fine Arts Auditorium and the FREE outdoor movie night this evening (if the rain holds off!) Hope to see you there! Have a great Thursday (tomorrow's Friday!)

Whoa! That's alotta bodies!

We knew there were a lot of students around here this semester (take a look at the parking lots) but we had no idea there were this many! Preliminary enrollment numbers collected during the last day of late registration for the fall semester at UACCM showed that the college has experienced a 24.6 percent increase in students when compared to the last day of late registration for the fall 2008 semester, with 2,477 students this semester compared to 1988 at the same time last year. Official numbers will not be released until the eleventh class day; however, the fall 2009 semester is poised to be one of the three largest increases in the 48-year history of the institution and the largest single-year increase experienced since 1997. Additionally, the fall 2009 semester marks the first time in UACCM history when more than 2000 credit students are enrolled in a semester. At this time, 40 percent of UACCM students are enrolled in Associate of Arts and Associate of Science degrees for un...

FREE Events Tomorrow

The Back-to-School Bahamas Bash may be over, but Bahamas week is still going strong at UACCM. Read on to find a couple of FREE things on the schedule for tomorrow: SEE the Show or BE the Show Imagine a world where volunteers fall asleep at the snap of his finger and will obey the most hilarious and ridiculous hypnotic suggestions...Michael C. Anthony is recognized as one of the most successful stage hypnotists in the world today. Michael recently performed at Planet Hollywood Resort in Las Vegas and is bringing his hypnosis to UACCM tomorrow at noon in the Fine Arts Auditorium. This event is being presented free to all UACCM students as part of the annual Back-to-School Bahamas Week. Campus Activities Magazine named him Campus Male Performer of the Year. His show is an avant-garde blend of the human psyche and eye-popping theater. Don't miss this chance to be entertained beyond belief for FREE! You don't have to be hypnotized if you don't want, but you will definitely ...

Attention all aspiring nurses!

Trying to enter the UACCM Practical Nursing Program? If so, then you will have to take the TEAS Test before the end of September ! It will be offered the remaining Mondays in the month (excluding Labor Day), at 8:30 am & 1:00 pm, by appointment only. Contact Renee Raper at (501) 977-2132 or  to reserve a spot for you to take the exam. Just a couple of notes about the exam: TEAS test takers arriving late for their scheduled appointment time will not be allowed to enter and will have to reschedule, so be on time! There is a $30.00 non-refundable, non transferrable fee for the TEAS test. Payment should be made at the Student Accounts Window in the University Center prior to testing, and a receipt of payment must be shown before the test is administered. Students are only allowed to take the TEAS test once during each Practical Nursing application period. Don't forget about the Back-to-School Bash tomorrow. Click here to find out...

Class cancellations for Tuesday, September 1

G'morning, UACCM! Here are a couple of class cancellations/missing people for you today: John Southerland (welding) is out today and his classes are cancelled. Linda Jaramillo (humanities, social sciences, math) is also out today, so if you're looking for her, don't bother! More to come to the blog throughout the day. Have a good one!