SGA Officer Elections...Deadline April 2!


Check your UACCM e-mail for an application form or stop by Union Station to apply.
  • Deadline to apply is Friday, April 2
  • Candidates may campaign on campus Monday, April 12 through Wednesday, April 14
  • Election will be held Thursday, April 15
  • New officer induction will be held Tuesday, April 20 at the SGA Senate meeting
Here are the criteria for officers:
  1. All candidates must be enrolled for a minimum of 6 credit hours at UACCM 
  2. Must have served one (1) semester as a member of the SGA Senate
  3. Must have a minimum GPA of 2.5 while serving on the Senate
The following offices will be declared open for election:
  1. SGA President - Presidential candidates should assume the named duties: Presiding over all meetings, committee appointments, and other duties as needed or assigned.
  2. Vice President - Vice Presidential candidates should assume the named duties: Public relations/advertising, presiding over all meetings in the absence of the president and other duties as needed or assigned.
  3. Secretary/Treasurer - Secretary/Treasurer candidates should meet the following requirements and assume the named duties: Candidates should have basic bookkeeping or accounting skills in addition to basic computer skills. Duties include recording and presenting minutes for all Senate meetings, updating Senate on committee activities, keeping record of Senate attendance, and assisting the president with official correspondence. Other duties include presenting a monthly report of SGA expenditures, maintaining accurate financial records and gathering bids/estimates for SGA purchases.
  4. Parliamentarian/Historian - Parliamentarian/Historian candidates should meet the following requirements and assume the named duties: Candidates should be familiar with, or willing to learn, Robert’s Rules of Order and will be responsible for sending thank you notes to SGA guests and sponsors of events, planning refreshments, and keeping a scrapbook of SGA events. The scrapbook will include flyers, pictures, handouts, and other relevant materials. Other duties include supervising procedures of all SGA meetings and preparing applications and promotional items for new Executive Council and Senator periods.


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