
Showing posts from October, 2010

Information for Students Receiving Financial Aid

As we prepare for pre-registration next week, there are a few items I would like for you to keep in mind if you are the recipient of financial aid. 1. Pell and loan students need to be taking classes which will be going toward completion of your designated major. 2. Students enrolling in late starting classes may not be eligible for Pell or Loans until after the classes begin. 3. Arkansas Academic Challenge (Lottery scholarship) recipients will need to be enrolled in 15 hours for the Spring semester if you are in the Traditional (graduated in 2010), Returner (had been receiving Challenge every semester since high school graduation), or Current Achiever categories. If you are unsure of the category you were awarded under, you may sign on to the ADHE website and review your award notice or you may contact the Financial Aid Office. 4. Non-traditional Arkansas Academic Challenge (Lottery) recipients semester awards will be as follows: a. 6-8 hours =$ 625 b. 9-14 hours=$937.50 c...

Free Vocal Studio Recital.

You are invited to join us in the music department this evening for the vocal studio recital.  The recital will feature UACCM students presenting songs that they will be competing with at the upcoming NATS (National Association of Teachers of Singing) competition in Louisiana.  The event is free.  It will be held in the Fine Arts gallery and will begin at 6:00 p.m.  We would love to see you there!

Rock, Paper, Scissors 2010!

ROCK  PAPER  SCISSORS Congrats to Felicia Gross! She was the 2010 UACCM RPS CHAMPION!! She barely defeated Billy Bisbee by throwing paper to cover rock! This was truly a match that will go down in UACCM RPS History! Another 'Congrats' goes out to Lauren White, Dustin Taylor, Tom Mcleod, and Tabitha Lee for winning the $25 gift cards! If you want to see more pictures from the UACCM Rock Paper Scissors Tournament, Go to: 

Power to Care

Did you know that almost 70% of children living in a single-parent household live in poverty? The Power to Care Challenge is a contest sponsored by Entergy Arkansas in which the Arkansas Single Parent Scholarship Fund and five other nonprofits in Arkansas are vying for a $25,000 grant. The public will determine the winner based on their votes through Facebook. From Oct. 11 through Dec. 31, visit and vote twice a month for Arkansas Single Parent Scholarship Fund. With your help, ASPSF will receive $25,000 to fund scholarships for deserving single parents throughout Arkansas! Anyone, anywhere with a Facebook account can vote for Arkansas Single Parent Scholarship Fund by visiting The Power to Care Page on ( Voters must first sign into their Facebook account for their vote to count. Click the “Like” button on The Power to Care page. Click the “Welcome” tab, click Arkansas on the map, then click the “Like” button...
Just a Reminder: Even though students will not have day classes during advising days (November 2 & 3), they will still be required to attend evening and night classes on those days!!! Rachel Schell will not be having classes today and Jim Harris has canceled his classes for the rest of the week. UACCM welcomes Zachary Andrews, Thomas Crouch, and Alisha parks to campus today! If you see them on a campus tour, feel free to stop them and say "Hi" and/or what you had for breakfast. Oh and its Wednesday. Happy birthday Erik Kloeker. Erik holds the world record for upside-down juggling. He broke the world record on September, 20th 2007 by juggling upside-down for four minutes and five seconds, breaking the old record of 55.9 seconds.

Harvest of Hope Food Drive 2010

The Conway County Care Center in Morrilton has again challenged UACCM fac­ulty, staff and students to gather a minimum of 500 cans of fruit to help re-stock their food pantry.  Drop-off bins for cans of fruit can be found in the UC, BTC and Kirk buildings .  If you wish to help but don’t’ have time to shop for fruit, please bring your monetary donations by the office of Institutional Advancement and will purchase it for you.  We have until the middle of November to meet the challenge, so let’s do our part and give back to those in need. 

Paper Rock Scissors is Today!

Tuesday is here! Jim Harris has canceled classes today and his students should check angel for assignments.

Was High School a Few Years Back?

 Are you considered a non-traditional student?  Would you like to connect with other students like you? Come and join in on "Non-Trad Chat!" They are meeting Tuesday, Oct. 26 during X Period in the Business Technology Building, Room 206. Contact Ms. Lynn Baker BTC 200; 501-977-2012( ) for more information.

Music Derpartment Recital Tonight!

The UACCM Music Department is hosting a recital by special guests Dr. Martha Antolik and Dr. Wolfgang Oeste tonight at 6:00 pm in the Fine Arts Auditorium. It is open to the public and admission is free!

Mondays/Schedules/Classes Canceled

Its Monday. Happy Republic Day to all our students from Kazakhstan! You still have to come to class. The following faculty have canceled their classes today; Robert Tipton, Lori Gibbons, Nancy Patterson, Amanda Young, and Jim Harris. Shannah Cummings has also canceled her 10 am Music Appreciation and 1 pm University Singers classes. Students need to check angel to see if they have assignments. They must be taking the day off for Kazakhstanian Republic Day... That is today in case you didn't already know. The online spring schedules are now up! Check them out at!!

Community of Heroes

On Thursday, November 11 UACCM SGA will host a parade in honor of our Veterans. The theme will be “Community of Honor” and we would like for you to participate. If you are a veteran , please walk or ride in the parade so that you may be recognized. If you are a Registered Student Organization , please provide a float, vehicle, or walk as a group with a parade banner saluting out veterans. Prizes will be given out for the best entry and the runner-up. There will be a short ceremony at the end of the parade route to conclude the event. Parade line-up will take place at 11:15am and the parade will begin at 12:15pm and conclude by 12:50pm …all during Xperiod. For more information or entry forms contact Kelly Roach at
It is Friday!  Did you know today is International Stuttering Awareness Day? Now you do. Class is canceled for Sarah Lawson's 11:00 am and 1:00 pm classes Visitors! We have a lot of students visiting our campus today! UACCM welcomes Rachel Shadwick, Megan Murray, Leslie Lambert, Katherine Odle, Michelle Warner, and Sarah Fulks to campus! If you see them on a campus tour, feel free to stop and tell them your favorite thing about UACCM and/or who you expect to win Dancing With the Stars.

AR Challenge/Lottery Refund Checks

AR Challenge/Lottery refund checks will be available to be picked up at the Student Accounts Window today at 10:00 am . Any checks not picked up by Friday, October 22 at 2:00pm will be mailed to each eligible student’s home address that is on file with the Registrar’s Office. You must have your UACCM photo ID in order to pick up your refund check. At this time, we do not have a tentative date for the GO or Workforce Improvement Grant refunds. For more information, contact UACCM's Financial Aid Director, Teresa Y. Cash at 501-977-2009 or send an email to

Two Commencement Ceremonies!

Two is better than one. As a result of consistently having record setting admissions every year, the number of UACCM graduates continues to grow by record numbers as well! With growth comes change. This year we have decided it would be best to divide our Commencement ceremony scheduled for Saturday, December 11, 2010 into two separate ceremonies to be able to accommodate our increasing number of graduates and their families! Graduating students will receive a letter from the Registrar's Office concerning which of the two ceremonies they are scheduled to attend. Here is the current list of how the ceremonies will be divided up. 10:00 am Commencement Majors  Associate of Art Associate of Art and Teaching Auto Collision Repair Technology Auto Services Technology Dietary Management Emergency Medical Technician Early Childhood Development Nursing Assisting Practical Nursing Registered Nursing Surveying 2:00 pm Commencement Majors Accounting Air Condition...
Classes Canceled Well the sun is back but Gretchen Schol and John Southerland are not. They have canceled their classes today.


Ever find yourself wanting to establish your place among the greatest athletes in the world? Do you hold on to hope of becoming an Olympian ? When you watch Sports Center's Top 10 plays on ESPN do you wonder how that can be you? Have you been training day after day to stay in peek physical condition ? I wish you the best of luck! ...Until those dreams come true, you should come join the rest of us who will be having crazy fun time with ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS! Wear a costume for a chance to win one of four $25 gift cards!

Union Station Presents!

This would be perfect weather to sit back and watch a good movie! It would be even more perfect if it could be a movie shown on campus so I wouldn't have to drive all the way home. Sometime around 11:00 or even around 1:30 would be great! Free popcorn would really put it over the top....OH LOOK! =)
This just in: its raining... and some classes are canceled. I love the rain, but it just makes me want to over sleep. If you have a class with Nancy Patterson , Laura Meek , Tina Lake , or Jim Harris' 9:25 public speaking class , you can sleep in because all of those classes are canceled . For those of you that have class please drive safe!
Its Monday! Hope everyone had a great weekend! If you  have an Anita Fowler or Dana Strassle class today, it is cancelled.

Keeping Your Academic Challenge Scholarship


Registration in November

Here is some information about the upcoming November Registration! Students currently attending UACCM November 1 – 12 - Sign up on advisor’s door - No day classes on November 2-3 to allow students to meet with their advisor - Classes 4:00 p.m. and after will meet on November 2-3 Students not currently attending November 8 – 12 - Call Jan Magie, 501-977-2165, to schedule an appointment with an advisor
Happy Thursday! Faculty and Staff are getting new name tags today! Perhaps you should comment to your Professors on how spiffy the new tags look. Richard Gifford has canceled his classes for today.

Upcoming Intramurals

Disc Golf Tournament is on Thursday, October 14 During Xperiod. Sign up at Hole #1 to participate! Quickball signups are going on right now. Play begins on Thursday, October 21!

Career Pathways Students

If you are a Career Pathways Student or have ever applied in the past, please stop by and see me in our office, Kirk building Room 130, as soon as possible if you are graduating this December. We have something very special for you in celebration of your upcoming accomplishment. We hope to see you soon!

University Singers

Have you got an ear for music but just can’t read it?  Do you want to learn?   If so, you should join University Singers for the Spring 2011 semester!  This course is designed for beginning singers with little to no background in music.  You will learn proper singing technique and beginning music reading.  It’s a laid back atmosphere and a lot of fun.  It’s also a great way to help boost your GPA.  Sound interesting?  When you register for classes next month, tell your advisor to enroll you.  No audition necessary.
I hope everyone is having a wonderful 286th day of the year! I hear it is supposed to be a good one. Classes are canceled today for Jacob Braud and Margie Fillinger. If you are in one of these classes, I suggest spending the time taking up a new hobby....perhaps Cryptozoology? We will also be having a few visitors on campus today. If you see Justin Bryant, Brittany Talandis, Lindsey Prothro, Cassie Swaim, Skie Craver, and or Nicole Thomason on a campus tour, stop and say 'Hello!' or some other socially acceptable greeting/salutation.

Cake Decorating

Want to learn how to decorate cakes?! The Community Education Program at the Leadership Development Institute, University of Arkansas Community College at Morrilton is offering "Cake Decorating". Learn how to make your favorite person or friend a decorative cake. Participants will learn basic borders, such as star, dot, zigzag, shell and rosette. The students will then move on to popular icing flowers such as drop flowers, sweet peas and roses. Piping gel vines, leaves, writing techniques, and butter cream will be covered. The students will be able to create a project cake which they will crumb coat, ice in butter cream and decorate by applying the techniques they’ve learned. Diann Stanek will instruct this six week class and will follow with an Advanced Cake Decorating class. Class will meet on Thursdays, from 6:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. from October 28 through December 10, 2010. Course participants will learn the basic decorating techniques used by professional cake decorat...
Lost and Found Update FOUND -  A pair of eye glasses has been turned in. If you think these may belong to you, please come claim them at the Information Desk and bring your Student ID or Driver’s License with you. FOUND - A braclet and a pair of sunglasses were found in the women's bathroom in the Kirk Building and Turned in to KB suite 100 on different occasions FOUND - A cell phone was found outside of the Kirk Building on a bench and turned in. FOUND - Information that leaves me to believe that people around the Kirk Building are bad about loosing things and good about finding things.
Class Cancelations Classes are canceled today for Michael Booty and Dustin Canady . Have a Happy Columbus Day! and have a Happy Thanksgiving Day! (If you are Canadian)

UACCM Dressed in Pink and Denim

Once again the University of Arkansas Community College at Morrilton wears pink and denim to raise support for breast cancer research. If you walked around the UACCM campus Friday, October 8, you might have noticed an unusually high occurrence of two things; denim jeans and the color pink. Not to worry, you haven’t missed out on the latest fashion craze sweeping the nation. Instead, you witnessed UACCM participating in Lee National Denim Day. Lee, one of the largest denim companies in the world, found a way for businesses and their employees to raise money for breast cancer while in the comfort of their favorite pair of jeans. Every year, on the first Friday in October, participants can donate $5 towards breast cancer research in order to be allowed to wear denim jeans and something pink to work as opposed to whatever their day-to-day required uniform may be. The faculty and staff of UACCM were among the millions of participants of this 15 year tradition. A large number of the UACC...

Winners of the PTK Drawing!

Phi Theta Kappa held a raffle for this year's Fall Fest . The grand prize of this raffle was a brand new Ipod Touch! Several other local businesses donated some extra prizes to be given away as well. Our very own chancellor Dr. Larry Davis was in attendance and was given the honor of being the official PTK raffle ticket picker! After all of the other prizes had been drawn the anxiously awaiting crowd hushed to hear the winner of the Ipod Touch.... Mary Newsome! Congratulations to Mrs. Newsome and the rest of this year's winners!! Here is a full list of the winners from the raffle. Winners of a $5 Old Navy Coupon: Shelby Williams Karen Caig Samantha Potter Christopher Johnson Winner of 1lb of Starbucks Coffee: Johnny Carter Winner of 1 dozen donuts from Daylight Donuts: Wanda Martar Winner of “Dinner for 2” at Stoby’s of Conway : Anita Fowler Winner of a $20 gift card to Kroger: Mary Lou McCrotty Winner of an iPod Touch: Mary Newsome
Its Friday! In other news, John Southerland and Karen Caig have both canceled all of their classes for the day.

2010 Fall Fest

Fall Fest was yesterday and all the students had an amazing time with lots of games and free food!   Congratulations to the winners of the Fall Fest pumpkin and scarecrow decorating competitions! For the pumpkin contest the winner was CIS Club with Phi Beta Lamda coming in a close second. Otaku Club took first place in the scarecrow contest and Petroleum Technology just missed out on the top spot to take second place. Thank you to all the clubs who participated! To see more pictures go to: You can see pictures of the winning pumpkins and scarecrows in the fall fest album! Don't forget, if you find yourself in a picture in the fall fest album you can tag yourself to be entered for a chance to win $25 to the University Bookstore! The winner will be announced Oct. 13!
Good Morning! Cindy Thompson's are canceled for today.


FALL FEST IS TODAY!! We couldn't have asked for better weather for this year's Fall Fest! Stop by Union Square today between 11:00 am and 1:00 pm for free food and fun games provided by UACCM and several of our student organizations! If you get your picture taken by our roamin photographer and it gets posted on our Facebook page you can tag that picture of yourself to be entered to win a $25 gift card to the University Bookstore! The American Red Cross will also be having the last day of its blood drive inside Union Station! Can't wait to see you there!

Scholarship Awards for Ms. UACCM

The Chancellor’s Office is sponsoring the scholarships for the Ms. UACCM category of the UACCM pageant. Ms. UACCM--$1,000 1st runner up--$400 2nd runner up--$300 3rd runner up--$200 4th runner up--$100 For more information on the UACCM pageant click here!

UACCM Wins Gold at NCMPR Conference!

Congratulations to our UACCM graphic/web designer Trevor Mize! He won two Gold Medallion awards last night for best website and best catalog at the NCMPR district conference  which represents six states and over 100 two year colleges! Great work Trevor!

Winners for the Aiming for Education Raffle

Participants of the 2010 Aiming for Education event last month had the opportunity to purchase tickets to win an assortment of prizes . The drawing was held on October 1 and the winners are official. Congratulations to: Adam Hoyt 1st Prize Ameristep Brickhouse Blind and Blind Bench Kevin Kersey 2nd Prize 1989 Matted Duck Stamp Print (Special Thanks to Terry Swindell) Janet Ogle 3rd Prize Dixie Mallard Duck Call (Special Thanks to Brenda Cakill) Bill Brice 4th Prize Duck Commander Prize Package (Special Thanks to The Duck Commander) Ed Moore 5th Prize Ameristep Hunters Umbrella, Blind Bench, Pruning Kit Josh Moore 6th Prize Heavy Hunting Jacket (Special Thanks to Netherton Promotions) Jessica Darr 7th Prize Kids Hunting Blind (Special Thanks to Sports Academy)


Win a $25 Gift Certificate at Fall Fest!! This year at Fall Fest we will have a roaming photographer taking pictures of all the events and excitement. All of the photos will be posted on Facebook. Tag yourself and tag your friends in the “Fall Fest” photo album by October 13, 2010 on the UACCM Facebook page. You will be entered for a chance to win a $25 gift certificate to the University Bookstore. GOOD LUCK!! To be eligible to win, participant must have their own Facebook page and have selected “Like” for the UACCM Facebook page. Winner will be drawn at random from all eligible persons tagged in the album by October 13, 2010.

Welcome to Kristy Stokes

UACCM welcomes Kristy Stokes as the new full time Counselor/Career Specialist! Kristy, who is a Licensed Professional Counselor, brings an experienced background of personal and career counseling to our campus as we continue to look for better ways to make our students successful. Although some of you have already met Kristy, please stop by Counseling Services and officially welcome her UACCM .

Arkansas Lottery Commission Presents Check

Arkansas Lottery Commission Chairman Dianne Lamberth presented a ceremonial check Thursday for $106 million to fund the Academic Challenge Scholarships to Arkansas Department of Higher Education director Jim Purcell, Ed.D., who accepted on behalf of the more than 29,000 recipients attending the state’s colleges and universities. Representatives of the Arkansas Lottery Commission  (ALC) present a symbolic check for $106 million to the Arkansas Department of Higher Education (ADHE), representing proceeds from the first year of lottery sales  for funding 30,000 Arkansas Academic Challenge Scholarships this school year. Pictured are (from left)  ALC Commissioners Ben Pickard; George Hammons, Ed.D; Joe White; Patty Shipp and Chairman Dianne  Lamberth; and Jim Purcell, Ed.D, ADHE director; and Tara Smith, director of financial aid at ADHE. At an event to celebrate the one-year anniversary of the lottery’s inception, Lamberth said, “This may be our first bir...

Student Trainee Opportunities

The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) is recruiting students to participate in our Student Temporary Experience Program starting in the summer of 2011 .  Salary: $9.74 to $13.41 per hour depending on qualifications. We plan to fill positions in the Soil Conservation, Soil Science, and Engineering series. The positions are available in multiple locations across the State. This program will allow students that are selected to receive on-the-job training while attending an accredited college or university. Participants are expected to work full-time during summer vacation periods each summer until graduation. Applications must include: (1) resume (include farm or ranch work experience even if wages were not received); (2) copy of current college transcript; (3) a list of courses in which currently enrolled, those planned for the Spring Semester of 2011, and your expected graduation date; and (4) DD-214 if claiming veteran preference. Be sure to include phone number...

Blood Drive October 5-6

On October 5 & 6 between the hours of 10:00 am - 4:00 pm at the UACCM Union Station the American Red Cross will be available to take donations! Don't let a little needle scare you away from potentially saving lives! The American Red Cross is probably the easiest donation you can make while at the same time being one of the most important donations! It just takes a few minutes of your time, doesn't cost you any money, and you usually get cookies or candy! Save lives and get cookies, sounds like a win/win situation if I've ever heard of one. You might even already be in the area on Wednesday because you will be enjoying all the free food and fun from Fall Fest, so just stop by the American Red Cross blood drive and then go get a fresh squeezed lemonade and a hand dipped corndog!

2010 UACCM Pageant Set for Nov. 6

The University of Arkansas Community College at Morrilton's Phi Beta Lambda chapter will host the fourth annual UACCM Pageant on Saturday, November 6, 2010. Photo taken at 2009 UACCM Pageant The pageant will begin at 10 a.m. on the UACCM campus in the Fine Arts Auditorium . The UACCM pageant is open to current UACCM students and seven other categories for girls between the ages of birth and 17 years. Contestants aged 0-17 will compete in Sunday best or party dress only. In addition to the different age divisions, contestants may compete in the prettiest smile, prettiest eyes, prettiest hair, and most photogenic categories. Those competing for the title of Miss UACCM will be judged on beauty, professionalism, speech presentation, and interview skills. The public is invited. Admission is $3 for 12 years old and older; $2 for 11 years old and younger. For an application and pageant rules, go to or pick one up in the UACCM Business Technology Center, Room 100....