T he University of Arkansas Community College at Morrilton's Phi Beta Lambda chapter hosted the fifth annual UACCM Pageant, in the Fine Arts Auditorium. The pageant was open to current UACCM students and girls between the ages of birth and 17 years. The winner of Ms. UACCM received a $1,000 scholarship and the first alternate received a $400 scholarship sponsored by the UACCM Chancellor’s Office. The second alternate received a $300 scholarship; and the third alternate received a $200 scholarship sponsored by UACCM Phi Beta Lambda. The fourth alternate received a $100 scholarship sponsored by the UACCM Chancellor’s Office. In addition, Ms. UACCM and her royalty received many gifts from local businesses. The winners of each category are as follows: 2011 Ms. UACCM , Chelsy Marie Jones, Plumerville, daughter of Randy and Jennifer Jones; 1st Alternate, Jovana Rosas, Morrilton, daughter of Augustin and Maricella Rosas; 2nd Alternate, Natalie Brooke Nichols, Hector, daughter of R...