Do you know more about pop culture or the US Constitution?

Do you know more about pop culture than the US Constitution? If you do, then you're not alone! In a survey released by the National Constitution Center, evidence of a lack of constitutional knowledge is quite apparent. More students have a greater knowledge of pop culture versus the United States Constitution. Six-hundred students responded to the survey.
Key findings from the survey included:
  • 25.5% of respondents know that Philadelphia is the city where the Constitution was written compared to the 75.2% who know that city the zip code 90210 is attributed to.
  • 21.1% of respondents know how many senators served in the U.S. Senate compared to 81.2% who know how many members are in the music group "Hanson."
  • 35.5% or respondents know the first three words of the Constitution compared to 71.2% who know that www is the first three letters of most Web site addresses.
  • 1.8% of respondents know that James Madison is considered the father of the U.S. Constitution compared to 58.3% who know that Bill Gates is the father of Microsoft®. 
  • 25% or respondents know that the Fifth Amendment protects against double jeopardy/self incrimination/right to a grand jury/due process/compensation for private property taken for public use compared to 63.7% who know that "The Club®" protects against care theft.
  • 41.2% or residents know the names of the three branches of government compared to 59.2% who know the names of the Three Stooges.
Why do we celebrate Constitution Day?

Senator Robert C. Byrd, a West Virginia Democrat and the United States Congress unofficial constitutional scholar, believes that American primary, secondary, and post-secondary students lack significant knowledge regarding the United States Constitution. In December 2004, Senator Byrd offered an amendment passed by both the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate in attempt to increase constitutional knowledge. 

The legislation requires that all educational institutions that receive federal funds implement educational programs relating to the United States Constitution on September 17 of each year. September 17th was selected as the date for celebration due to the fact the on September 17, 1787 the delegates to the Constitutional Convention met for the last time to sign the United States Constitution and presented it to the American public. This purposeful and educational programming relating to the United States Constitution provides students with increases awareness and appreciation of this important document of freedom.


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