Feeling Sick? STOP...and read this

A memo from UACCM Vice Chancellor for Instruction Diana M. Arn:

Due to a larger than normal outbreak of illness including the flu, Chancellor Crook has suspended Policy # 0017 Attendance Policy/Administrative Drop Policy for the Fall 2009 semester.

What does this mean to you as a student?
  • While regular attendance is expected of students, faculty members will not drop students for excessive absences.
  • If a student is failing a course, unless the student initiates the drop process themselves, the student will receive a grade of “F” for the course at the end of the semester.
  • Faculty will continue to report attendance for financial aid purposes. Non-attendance could affect financial aid for this or subsequent semesters.
Faculty will also be working with students who are out because of flu or illness. Students are NOT required to have doctor’s notice verifying that they have the flu. UACCM will be operating on the honor system.

What should you do if you are ill or someone in your family is ill and you are the primary care giver?
  • Call or email your instructors immediately.
  • If possible, stay current with homework. You may be given extra time to make-up tests, quizzes, or homework when you return to class but you will also be working on current class assignments.
  • You may find that you have missed too much of the class lectures to be successful. Students who miss one week of class can usually catch up and be successful. Missing two weeks of class is harder to make-up. If you are in this position, the best course of action for you may be to drop a class or two during the semester so that you can be successful in other classes. Missing three weeks of class will be almost impossible to make-up. Unfortunately, the best action may be to drop all courses for the semester. Please discuss these options with your instructors or advisor.
  • Faculty will contact me if they think students are using the flu as an excuse to have extra time to make-up work. Please remember furnishing false information is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct and being honest about absences is expected of all students. Not coming to class because you haven’t done your homework or because you are in the deer woods, are not instances where we are willing to work with students to make-up work.
If you would like to discuss any part of this memo, you can contact my office at 977-2007 and make an appointment.


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