PBL Members Take Honors at State Competition

Six Phi Beta Lambda (PBL) students represented UACCM at the 2009 PBL State Leadership Conference in Hot Springs on April 20 and 21. The students competed against both two- and four-year college students in various events by taking both written and skills tests designed to measure and challenge students’ knowledge, ability, and skill level. The students placed in the events listed below:

Laura Breedlove
4th Place Business Presentation Team

Connie Cates
4th Place Business English

Brittany Keen
5th Place Hospitality Management Team

Charlie Passmore
3rd Place Accounting Principles
5th Place Hospitality Management Team

Amanda Renard
4th Place Business Presentation Team
4th Place Administrative Services
2nd Place Machine Transcription

Charlie Passmore’s place in the Accounting Principles event earns her the opportunity to compete at the Phi Beta Lambda National Leadership Conference in Anaheim, California, in June. Congrats, everyone!

In the Photo: UACCM students (from left) Charlie Passmore, Laura Breedlove, Connie Cates, Dustin Taylor, Brittany Keen, PBL Group Advisor Nancy Patterson, and Amanda Renard recently attended the 2009 PBL State Leadership Conference in Hot Springs.


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