Library Moving Sale and Healthy Winners

Attention all book lovers: In preparation for the move to the new library, the library staff has weeded the collection using the following criteria: condition, publication date, circulation record, duplications and if that subject area is still a part of our curriculum.

As a result, there are about 250 volumes the library will offer for sale to anyone interested. The sale will start tomorrow (Friday) morning at 8:00 am. All proceeds from the sale will be used to purchase new materials for the shiny new library set to open this fall.

Winners, winners, winners: Congratulations to UACCM Bookstore Manager Melanie Tipton, winner of the UACCM Health, Wellness & Safety Fair 5K Walk/Run last week! Kudos to Terrica Morris (2nd place) and Lisa Gunderman (3rd place).

Thanks to all who participated on that very warm, humid day, and to Shelley Price for organizing the 5K.

Winner of Kenny Chesney Concert Tickets was Kelley D. Kuhn!



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