Sell Your Books Before It's too Late

Good afternoon, everybody. I hope finals are treating you all well (they're almost over, hang in there). Speaking of finals being almost over, it's about high time you sell those books back, right? Stop by the University Bookstore this afternoon before 4:00 or on Monday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm and get some serious ca$h for all those books once your finals are over. They'll buy them back anytime, but they're worth the most RIGHT NOW, so don't drag those feet.

Be sure and watch the blog next week and throughout the summer to keep up with what's going on here at UACCM. We hope you have a great summer and, if you're not graduating, we hope to see you again in the fall.

Don't forget about the GED graduation, practical nursing pinning ceremony, and regular commencement next week. Look t the dates to the left to see when it's all going down.

Have a safe and happy weekend!

P.S. A week or so ago, you may have read about the faculty/staff intramurals team winning this year's "wolfie" award, and one VERY important person was inadvertently left off of the participants list. UACCM English Instructor Lyndsey Daniel has been a fearless leader for three long years during each intramural season. Without her, the faculty/staff probably wouldn't even compete! So be sure to give her a high-five when you see her. Actually, she probably deserves two!


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