Get Fit and Get Cash

Were the holidays unkind to your waistline? Has the luster already worn off your New Year’s resolution to get fit? Would you like to lose some POUNDS and gain some MONEY in a competition against your fellow students? If any of the above applies to you, the Get in Shape by Spring Break contest is just for you. Sponsored by the UACCM Student Government Association, the contest will test your willpower and determination and can lead to better health, some extra money, and bragging rights when you step out on the beach for spring break. Read on...

The Basics
  • Contest begins on Monday, February 2
  • Contest is open to all UACCM students
  • Deadline for entry is Thursday, January 29 (see more below)
  • Winners will be determined using a percent of bodyweight lost system (we’ll base it on the total percentage of your bodyweight lost, not just pounds…so even if you just need to lose a few, you still have a good chance to win!)
  • Contestants weigh-in with “The Weighmaster” at the beginning and end of the contest (watch your E-mail for specific weigh-in dates)
  • The top three winners (or losers) in the contest will win prizes as follows:
    1st place-$100.00
    2nd place-$50.00
    3rd place-$25.00
The “Rules”(some serious, some not so much)
  • No shoes, coats or pocket weights (including excessive change) allowed during weigh-in
  • You MUST weigh-in on our pre-approved scale each week
  • Contestants are encouraged to utilize the UACCM Walking Trail at the west end of campus and the Fitness Center in the Kirk Building during the contest. Weight Watchers also meets each week in the Business Technology Center for anyone interested in joining.
  • Contestants are encouraged to sabotage fellow participants by bringing doughnuts, cookies, or other calorie-laden foods to class
  • Binge and purge is NOT an acceptable diet plan—violators will be disqualified
  • Comments like “Wow! Looks like you packed on a few over the holidays!” and “Aww when’s your due date?” can really help motivate fellow participants. WARNING: Do this at your own risk.
Oh yeah, and the faculty and staff at UACCM are going to be doing their own weight-loss contest too, so you won’t be alone!

If you want to participate and maybe win some spring break fun money, sign up at the table in the lobby of the University Center or in the Student Center in the Kirk Building by Thursday, January 29. Watch the blog and your student E-mail for more info. See you at the scale!


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