Community Service, Inc. and the University of Arkansas Community College at Morrilton are proud to announce the winners of a Tobacco and Addiction and Art Contest held recently on the college campus. Anna Pharr, daughter of Mack and Melinda Pharr of Conway, won first place for her art piece, “Grim Agony,” and will receive a $250 book scholarship from the UACCM Bookstore. Cierra Oade, daughter of Blake and Lou Ann Oade of Vilonia, won second place for her acrylic painting titled “Smoker’s Mouth,” and also third place for “Smoke Your Heart Out,” another acrylic painting. She received both a $100 and $50 UACCM book scholarship.

From left, Academic Tobacco Grant Coordinator Melinda Neeley, artist
Anna Pharr, artist Cierra Oade, UACCM Disability Counselor Cody Davis,
and contest judge Shawnna Bowles.
This Tobacco Addiction and Art Project has been a collaborative effort between Community Service, Inc. and the University of Arkansas Community College at Morrilton, as an initiative of an Arkansas Department of Health Academic Tobacco Prevention Grant for Conway County. The awards were funded by the grant. Melinda Neeley, Academic Tobacco Prevention Coordinator for Conway County who works for Community Service, Inc., spearheaded the project. Cody Davis, UACCM Disabilities Counselor, helped direct and promote the contest on campus. Contest judge was Shawnna Bowles, Executive Director of the Rialto Community Arts Center in Morrilton and member of the Conway County Arts Council.

Each year, almost 500,000 deaths occur in the U.S. as a result of smoking. In Arkansas alone, smoking claims more than 5,100 lives annually. The purpose of this exhibit was to contribute to the concept that creativity and artistic expression can play a significant role both in recovery and in raising awareness of the personal and community tolls caused by tobacco abuse and addiction. Artwork can give insight into the human experience of addiction, by sparking dialogs, teaching, and changing perceptions.

The winning artwork of Ms. Pharr and Ms. Oade will be available for public viewing during a Tobacco Addiction and Art Exhibit Monday, May 5 – Friday, May 16 at the E. Allen Gordon Library on the UACCM campus during regular business hours.


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