Campus Campaign Co-chairs Mary Newsome, left, and Pat Pettry review
materials for the ‘GIVE MEANING’ campaign.
Employees of the University of Arkansas Community College at Morrilton more than doubled the national average for employee participation in workplace giving with just over 89 percent of full-time faculty and staff pledging to support the College’s current fundraising efforts.

The UACCM Foundation is working to raise funds and public support for projects totaling more than $13 million through the “GIVE MEANING” campaign over a three-year period. The campaign focuses on four major initiatives which support the UACCM mission, including new learning facilities, scholarships, building maintenance, and an enhanced collegiate experience for its students. Employees of the College have made pledges to contribute nearly $62,000 toward the project.

Faculty and staff were introduced to the idea in the Fall of 2013 when Campus Campaign Co-Chairs Mary Newsome and Pat Pettry informed employees that the kick-off would take place in January. By the end of the year, before the employee campaign officially began, more than 30 percent of UACCM employees had made pledges.

Newsome was excited at the flood of support received before the January kick-off. “I knew that my coworkers would rise to the challenge of meeting the initial goal of 40 percent campaign participation, but I never imagined that we’d be so close to reaching our goal before the Foundation Board officially asked for support of the campaign.”

At a campus-wide employee meeting to start the spring semester, UACCM Development Officer Morgan Zimmerman revealed plans for a friendly competition to encourage participation in the campaign. Faculty and staff were randomly divided into four teams and given colored wristbands to identify each group. They were then challenged to get the highest percentage of participation within each group over a four-week period. Combined, the teams accomplished 87 percent participation by mid-February when the wristband contest came to a close.

UACCM Foundation Board Chair Doug Cahill said, “As a volunteer working to keep UACCM growing and thriving, it’s great to know that those employed at the College believe in its mission enough to make such a substantial contribution. The entire Board is overwhelmed with the level of internal support shown through these pledges.”

Members of the UACCM Foundation Board treated employees to a barbeque lunch April 9 to show their gratitude for the support of the campaign by faculty and staff.

Zimmerman said, “This show of support from our faculty and staff will lead to a much higher level of support from private businesses and individuals not only for this current project, but for many improvements to our campus in the future.”

For more information about the UACCM “GIVE MEANING” campaign, visit


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