The Looooooong Days of Summer II...

Happy Tuesday, everybody. As many of you may know, the second summer term is now in session! I'm sure everyone taking a class is unbelievably excited to be getting a class out of the way in the laid-back long days of summer. If you're not so excited, just remember: it won't last long! Here are a couple of reminders for you all this morning:
  • The E. Allen Gordon Library here on campus is currently closed and will remain closed until Monday, July 20. "Why?" you ask? To move to the brand new UACCM Library Complex, that's why! The new library wing of the complex will feature approximately 15,000-square-feet of library space, including private study areas and wi-fi. Keep watching the Campus Link Blog for more information on a grand opening celebration for this great new facility coming up this fall.
  • Have any e-waste you need to get rid of? Are old computers, monitors, printers, microwaves, televisions, stereos, cell phones, or other electronic gadgetry piling up around you? If so, head on over to Morrilton Junior High School this Friday, July 10 from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm to drop it off to be recycled. The nice people working the event will make sure your e-waste is taken care of responsibly. For more information, contact Angela Allen at (479) 754-7475.

Have a great day!


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