Stay Safe during Spring Break & On Campus

Sign up to be safe and win some cash

The UACCM Students R HEROES group will challenge students, faculty and staff on Wednesday & Thursday this week to make a pledge to be SAFE and SOBER while on Spring Break.

During various times on those days, the HEROES members will be located in the Plaza, BTC, UC and FA buildings.

The name of each person who signs the pledge will be placed in a drawing for a $30 gift card. SIGN UP and WIN (in more ways than one!)

CSI Conference coming up in Conway

All UACCM students are invited to attend the CSI—Campus Safety Intensive conference sponsored by the ACDEC (Arkansas Collegiate Drug Education Committee) on Friday, April 10 at Hendrix College in Conway. This will be an official student activity and there is no charge for the event, so feel free to tag along and learn about how to make UACCM a safe place to be. Several students in the Students R Heroes group are planning to attend, and transportation can be arranged for anyone interested. The deadline to register is Friday, March 20, so contact Lynn Baker at (501)977-2012 or at to sign up.


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