Sweeeet! Bake Sale Coming Up

The Conway County Vision 2020 Class XI is hosting “Caring for the Care Center,” a benefit banquet for the Conway County Care Center, on March 14, 2009 at 6:00 p.m. at the Downtown Church of Christ Family Life Center. The event will feature a formal dinner, live and silent auction, and a friendly competition between members of each table during the event. The UACCM table is sponsoring a bake sale on Thursday, March 5 from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm in Room 206 in the Business Technology Center. All money raised through the bake sale will go towards the total money raised by the UACCM table, and will ultimately go to the Conway County Care Center.

If you have a sweet tooth, be sure to stop by and bid on some awesome goodies.
If you are interested in bringing a baked good to donate to the sale, drop it by BTC Room 206 before the bake sale kicks off.

For more information, contact Kristi Strain at 501-977-2085 or at


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