UACCM Nursing Program Expanding to Clinton.

The University of Arkansas Community College in Morrilton will be expanding its Nursing Program to the Clinton Campus. A class of eight will begin in January for Spring 2016, along with a class of 24 students beginning each Spring and Summer 2016 at Morrilton. The deadline to complete the application process for one of these eight spots ends October 1, 2015.

Admission into the UACCM Practical Nursing (PN) Program is a competitive process. There are a number of steps which must be completed before a student can be considered for the PN program.
In addition, students must have completed the entrance exam, the TEAS, at the college within the last three years. The entrance exam score and the grades from the prerequisite courses will be utilized in the class selection process. Students in the Clinton and Van Buren County area will be given a priority in the selection process if meeting all requirements listed on the application.

The entrance exam results and the application must be taken and turned in by October 1, 2015 at 4:30 at the UACCM campus either by mail or in person. A copy of the application can be obtained in the nursing office or online at For more information please contact the Division of Health Professions and Natural Sciences at 501-977-2152.


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