Important Financial Aid Information for Summer '24

If you are planning to attend summer 2024 classes at UACCM, you should be aware of a few things concerning financial aid you could receive in the summer.

  • If you are eligible for Pell and have received Pell full-time in the fall 2023 and spring 2024 semesters, you will need to take at least 6 hours during the summer to receive additional Pell funds.  These 6 hours can be a mix of the summer terms (Intersession, Summer 1 only, Summer 2 only or Extended Summer), but all classes must be needed for graduation within your chosen degree plan.  If you’ve not yet applied for federal aid this year, it’s not too late.  Just go to and complete the 2023-2024 FAFSA. 
  • If you would like to take out a federal loan in the summer, that will require a 23-24 Student Loan Application.  If you have already borrowed funds in the fall 2023 and spring 2024 semesters, please know there are annual limits to your borrowing.  Please feel free to talk to the Financial Aid Office if you are concerned that you’ve already borrowed or are close to your annual limit. 
  • If you are an Arkansas Challenge Traditional (came straight from high school to college) Scholarship recipient, and you don’t complete fall 2023 and spring 2024 with the total completed hours required (27 for first year and 30 for second year) or the required 2.5 cumulative GPA, you can take classes in the summer to make up the deficiency.  Please be aware that you will need to submit a Transcript Request to the Registrar’s Office, and have it sent to ADHE after summer grades post.  This will prove to ADHE if you have made up the deficiency in your Challenge requirements. 

You must be enrolled in classes that you want to take for all summer terms by the start date of the first summer term.  For example, if you took a class in intersession and a class in summer 1, at the start of intersession those two classes would be the hours at which we pay your aid.  If you wanted to later add a summer 2 class after intersession started, you would not be able to get aid for the summer 2 class. 

If you have any questions or concerns about your summer aid, contact financial aid at 501-977-2055 or online at


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