Our C's are missing! (2-22-22 Contest Info and Rules)

Unique game located on the website. Only for February 22, 2022. We are missing our C's from UAccM. Find the Red C's in order to win a pair of wireless earbuds!

On this unique date, 2-22-22, a prankster has stolen our TWO C’s in UA - - M and we need your help getting them back! For today only, search our website, UACCM.edu, and click on two C’s that look out of place. After you find the second C, you will fill out an entry form to win a prize that is better in pairs…wireless earbuds! 

How to participate:

  1. Go to UACCM.edu
  2. Find and click on C's that look out of place
  3. After you find your second C, you will fill out an entry form
  4. Hit submit and check back here and on social media on 2-23 to see the winner of the drawing!
*Helpful hint: If you've visited a UACCM page before and don't find a C, you may need to refresh the page for it to show up!
*Helpful hint: Make sure you have cookies enabled and don't block pop-ups from UACCM.edu!

Contest Rules:

This one-day contest will take place on February 22, 2022 and is only open to currently enrolled students 18 years of age or older. C’s are hidden on www.uaccm.edu pages only. No “C” will be hidden on the portal (portal.uaccm.edu), the news blog (www.uaccmnews.com), Academic Commons page (www1.youseemore.com/uaccm), Bookstore (theuaccmbookstore.com), Blackboard, CampusConnect, or any other linked-to sites. C’s will appear in paragraphs of text and can be distinguished by being in a different typeface (font), larger size, and in a red color. No “C” will appear in a pop-up window or overlay menu. Two C’s must be found and clicked to activate a submission form that participants must complete to be entered into the drawing for Soundcore Mini Buds wireless earbuds. Drawing will be held Wednesday, February 23, 2022.


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