Message from Chancellor Willenberg About Reopening Campus

exterior of the workforce training center with students walking out the door

Dear UACCM Students, Faculty, and Staff:

The past few days’ sunshine and warmer temperatures have helped tremendously in readying campus for a return to normal classes and business operations effective Monday, February 22nd. Please continue to watch for text alerts, campus email, and other social media channels for updates as necessary. While we feel confident we have the ‘all clear’ for normal operations, until we’re fully reopened, using all the facilities (and utilities), we cannot be certain. If you see something that doesn’t look quite right, please reach out to the Physical Plant department or myself.     

I want to thank each of you for your continued resilience and flexibility over the past 10 days during this historic winter snow storm. Thanks to the UACCM IT and other support service employees who worked diligently to keep operations running virtually, the faculty for again quickly pivoting their instructional delivery methods, and certainly the students, who are why we’re here, for your grit and determination with several experiencing frustrating connectivity issues. You are champs and good things are coming your way!

I especially want to thank those Physical Plant employees and the many volunteers who worked tirelessly to prepare the physical campus for everyone’s safe return. Incredible progress was made the past couple days in clearing all main campus roadways, parking lots and the most heavily used sidewalks. We have also salted to help with areas that don’t see the sun much this time of year. All that said, please use caution and note there may be areas on campus that could refreeze over the next week, dependent on actual temperatures, but the current forecast is in our favor. If you see these folks around campus in the coming weeks, be sure to thank them for the great work!

Lastly, please use caution driving to campus as many neighborhoods and side roads may not be cleared. Students, be in touch with your instructors and employees be in touch with your supervisors if you are unable to make it to campus safely.

Lisa Willenberg

UACCM Chancellor


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