Transfer Agreement Leads Students to Health Care Administration

images of the UACCM campus at a woman stationed at a computer

The COVID-19 pandemic put a large spotlight on the health care industry as the world rallied to support professionals caring for the sick. Along with the front-line workers, an important part of the health care structure are the administrators who kept facilities running under difficult circumstances. 

These administrative roles are vital to the healthcare industry, and UACCM students has a transfer opportunity to earn a bachelor's degree in this field. 

UACCM holds 2+2 transfer agreement with UCA

  • Healthcare administrators oversee the day-to-day administrative operations of hospitals and other healthcare facilities. Duties include monitoring budgets and updating health records.
  • UACCM has a 2+2 transfer agreement with the University of Central Arkansas, which offers a Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences with an emphasis in Health Services Administration that prepares students for employment in the health care industry in an administrative capacity.
  • Why it matters? With the COVID-19 pandemic, there is an increase of applications in nursing and medical schools across the United States—a trend that medical school admissions offices are calling the Fauci Effect. With this boost of medical personnel, there may be a larger demand of administrators.


Career outlook

Graduates with this degree often are employed at hospitals, outpatient clinics, medical group practices, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, rehabilitation centers, community health centers, emergency care centers, and other health care provider offices.


Laying the foundation at UACCM

At UACCM, students pursuing this degree option can obtain an Associate of Science in Liberal Arts.

  • The degree, made up of 60 credit hours, is made up of a university’s common general education requirements. This includes oral communications, composition, college algebra, biology, history, and more.
  • After transferring to UCA, students will take 60 hours of core content and upper division courses to complete their bachelor’s degree.


Transfer pro tip

Transfer representatives from universities regularly visit UACCM. Be sure to check your email often to catch announcements from the UACCM Advising Center about when and where a representative will be on campus.


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