Countdown to Finals: Set Aside Time Away from Apps

graphic with clouds, a moon, stars, and a clockface

With finals coming soon, we will offer some suggestions on how to stay productive and finish the semester strong with a series about helpful tips and wellness.

Sometimes we just need to unwind. Step away from our mobile devices, silence our phones, and stay away from the many streaming apps. You hear people suggest this, but why is it important? Health and wellness experts have suggested that taking breaks from your screen have several benefits. This includes creating closer relationships with friends and loved ones, being more productive with your time, and increasing a sense of self-worth.  

To aid us on taking breaks from our devices, we turn to technology strangely enough. If you have an Apple device, look into Downtime that helps us schedule time away from our apps by silencing notifications for a scheduled period of time. 


Learn how to set up Downtime.


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