Countdown to Fall: FAQ

Have questions about UACCM during this fall semester? We have the answers.

Image of campus buildings including the Student Union, Fine Arts Building, and the University Center


How do I define a close contact?

A person is considered a close contact if they were within 6 feet of an infected person for at least 15 minutes. Individuals may be contacted by a contact tracer from the Arkansas Department of Health if determined to be a close contact to a confirmed positive COVID-19 case. The contact tracer will provide instructions for the individual to follow.

What is a synchronous class?

Synchronous courses are those where the instructor and students are online at the same time. Students must be logged in at the designated class time using a link provided by the instructor in order to participate in the class and to be counted in attendance.

Synchronous courses will take place in Blackboard Collaborate, allowing multiple people to be in the same environment together. While in Blackboard Collaborate, students will be able to share their webcam and microphone to interact with the instructor and other students. Course materials will be accessed by logging in directly to Blackboard.

Will we be required to practice physical/social distancing? Stay six feet apart?

When feasible, social/physical distancing is required. Often times, particularly in spaces like a classroom or common area, this may be difficult. In these instances, the practice of proper hygiene and wearing a mask/face covering becomes essential.

Am I required to wear a mask/face covering?

UACCM requires, in accordance with state and local mandates, a mask/face covering when inside college facilities. Face coverings are also required outside when physical distancing cannot be assured.

Am I required to wear gloves?

No. Frequent hand washing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds is highly recommended.

Will the campus be sanitized?

The UACCM custodial staff is committed to enhanced cleaning and more importantly daily sanitizing of high touch-point and common surfaces including classrooms and restrooms. Sanitizing wipes will be available in classrooms and office areas for students and employees that wish to wipe down an area more frequently.

Will class size be limited in the fall 2020 semester?

No, one of the benefits of attending UACCM is our already small class sizes. However, students will have the option to participate in instructional activities via Blackboard Collaborate to reduce the total number of students in a classroom. 

Will there be an attendance policy in the fall 2020 semester?

Yes, UACCM’s AW/attendance policy will be in effect. This may include the use of synchronous methods of instruction to limit the total number of students in a classroom.

What will happen with fall 2020 classes if we have to close campus again?

As demonstrated in the Spring 2020 semester, UACCM can pivot to remote instruction in a short amount of time.  This experience has better prepared our faculty to teach and our staff to serve. In the unfortunate event we have to close campus again, we will make every attempt to align with the area public schools’ closures so as to limit disruption to students and staff with children. UACCM stands ready to deliver remote excellence.

Should I come to campus if I have underlying health conditions?

UACCM recommends that you follow the advice of your health care provider. We are committed to providing as safe and healthy of a campus as possible; however, personal decisions regarding your safety and well-being are yours. 

If an employee or student tests positive for COVID-19, will they be allowed on campus?  Will the campus close?

Employees or students testing positive for COVID-19 will not be allowed on campus. Employees should contact their supervisor if COVID-19 positive who will then notify the Director of Human Resources. Students should contact each faculty AND the Vice Chancellor for Student Services if COVID-19 positive. A reported confirmed case of a student or employee alone does not constitute closing campus. However, Arkansas Department of Health guidelines will be followed in such instance.

I work in healthcare.  Am I allowed to come to campus if I’ve been testing people for COVID-19?

Yes, unless you have tested positive for COVID-19, working in healthcare does not preclude you from coming to campus.

If I’m having symptoms of COVID-19, can I come to campus?

UACCM encourages you to err on the side of caution and not come to campus if you are experiencing one or more of these symptoms: cough, shortness of breath/difficulty breathing, fever, chills, muscle pain, sore throat, or new loss of taste or smell. If you are experiencing these symptoms, please follow the advice of your healthcare provider.

Will there be events on campus?

The plan is…Yes! Part of having an operational and vibrant campus is the in- and out-of-classroom experience for our students. Proper guidelines in place and hygiene standards will be followed and any uncertainty about the health and safety of our campus community will be considered.

Do UACCM Adult Education Centers follow these same guidelines?

Yes. The state also provides specific guidelines for Adult Education Centers in Arkansas. Please contact the Director of Adult Education for specific questions.



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