UACCM Concurrent Student Gets Running Start Towards College Degree

UACCM and Wonderview High School student Mallory Jones. Photo courtesy of November White Photography.
Article courtesy of Lawana Lyon, Conway County School Counts! Foundation. 

School Counts! is proud to be part of the partnership between our local school districts and UACCM to help our students with tuition assistance as a School Counts! graduate or an eligible concurrent student. We currently have 111 concurrent students who are getting a jump start on their secondary education. Leading up to our School Counts! Week in April, we will be showcasing a few of the students who are taking advantage of this partnership.

Current Concurrent Class?

Composition I at UACCM

Why did you enroll in a concurrent class? 

I enrolled to help finish some of my basics required, free of cost.

What is your possible career goal? 

I am undecided but I have an interest in the psychology field.

Do you think concurrent classes are a good idea? 

Yes! They help prepare students for actual college by allowing them to experience the college atmosphere, and to get a feel for the expectations of professors.

What is something that most people might not know about you? 

I am a twin!

What do you like about living in Conway County? 

It is a small community, and a closely knit one.

What is your favorite thing about your high school? 

he family atmosphere! #TysonCommunities

For more information: 


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