Model UN Club Stands Out at Conference

three women
(L to R): Maria Lopez, Sarah Fulmer, Haley Stewart. Photo by Brian Wilson.

The UACCM Model United Nations Club tackled international issues through cooperation at a conference in Conway on November 1. The conference was hosted by the University of Central Arkansas and offered participants an exercise in public speaking, conflict resolution, and research skills. 

Club members Sarah Fulmer, Hayley Stewart, and Maria Lopez represented UACCM in two committees, while joining other colleges and universities in the area. Through parliamentary procedure, delegates addressed issues and took stances that best represented their countries’ interests. 

Fulmer and Stewart represented Ireland in the economic and social council, and Lopez represented Austria in the human rights council. Each committee confronted matters of global significance and addressed an emergency topic. Much like the chambers of the intergovernmental organization, the effectiveness of participants rested on writing resolutions and making speeches. Those are key areas of success.

“You have to talk fast and you have to talk early,” Stewart said. 

It was the new student organization’s first conference, and it proved to be a successful outing. The club earned an award for best delegation during the plenary session—where both committees meet in a joint session. Fulmer served as co-chair in the economic and social council session. Stewart gained an individual award for outstanding delegate. Club members networked with other delegates, and they practiced their ability to caucus and wrangle support on measures and form coalitions. 

Fulmer, who founded the club in the fall semester, started the club to help other students to develop their skills at the collegiate level and learn more about global affairs. “I got so much out of Model UN in high school,” she said. “Having those discussions in a format that is more formal than a classroom is helpful.” 

Stewart said she joined to take advantage of campus activities and felt that the club made significant contributions to the conference. “We helped write resolutions. We were sponsors and co-sponsors. And we helped clarify points in debates,” she said. 

The Model UN Club’s future plans include attendance to more conferences, participation in the Model Arab League, and collaboration with other schools.

woman stands by desks and computers with a man
Stewart with other delegates. Photo by Brian Wilson.


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