20 Questions with Faculty: Anthony Holt

 Let us play a game of 20 Questions with biology instructor Anthony Holt.

man standing in science classroom and holding an instrument
Anthony Holt
Place of birth?  
Jackson County, Arkansas

What do you like most about teaching at UACCM?
Great students!

What interests you most about your subject?
Its importance in the real world!

Advice I give to students?
In education, the lesson is not the thing. Soak it all up in order to be able to put the whole puzzle together. What you think is not important now may be the most important thing you ever learned!

What do you think is the best reason to attend UACCM?
The best instructors possible!

What do you listen to in the car?
NPR, for current news about all types of topics.

My favorite movie is…
Big Fish. It is about a man that tells stories about how life is a long series of individual stories that all overlap.

My favorite TV show is…
The Black List

The last show that I binged was…
House. It just doesn’t get any better than Dr. Gregory House!

The last book I read/listened to was…
Alas, Babylon!

Favorite hobby?
Planting trees

Favorite food?
Good fish and corn on the cob!

One day, I will have a pair of good squirrel dogs!

If I had a superpower, it would be…
Convincing people how important knowledge is.

My favorite sports team is…
Texas Rangers

The one place where I must travel to someday is…
The Amazon

If I could play any musical instrument, it would be…
Claw hammer banjo

Favorite place to visit in Arkansas?
The Holt family farm where my people have lived and died since the mid-1800s.

Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram?
Not now. I grew tired of all of the complaining and drama.

PC or Mac?


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