UACCM Honors Faculty, Staff

two women holding a framed photograph
UACCM Interim Chancellor Diana Arn presents a photograph of the campus to Cindy Thompson,
a business instructor who has worked at the college for 35 years. 
UACCM recognized several faculty and staff members for their service to the community college at an employee banquet, which included awards and comments shared by colleagues. Awards went to the outstanding faculty and staff members of the year, while other employees received recognition for reaching milestone years of service.

Kara Jones, an education instructor, was recognized for her section as 2018 outstanding faculty member of the year. Jones began employment at the college in 2011 and is also an advisor for the Beta Eta Sigma chapter of the Phi Theta Kappa International Honor’s Society. Jones was also named Morrilton Chamber of Commerce’s “Educator of the Year” in 2018. 

Kim Darling, director of UACCM’s Adult Education program, was recognized as 2018 outstanding staff member of the year. Darling has considerable service at the college in two separate stints. In 1994, she was director of community outreach and then vice president of student services. She left UACCM in 2000 and returned 10 years later as division chairperson of community education. Since then she was the director of workforce development and is currently the director of adult education.

Several staff members hit milestones of service and received awards, ranging from 5 to 35 years:

5 Years of Service
Dr. Michael Dequeant, chemistry/science instructor
David Hall, Senior campus police officer
Robyn Jamison, mathematics instructor
Elizabeth Lane, human resources analyst
Whitney Mahoney, biology/science instructor
Spring McCarthy, mathematics instructor
Chris New, mathematics instructor
Morgan Park, welding instructor
Debbie Smith, nursing instructor
Sheila Snyder, administrative specialist for Academic Advising and Career Services

10 Years of Service
Amber Black, administrative specialist for Health Professions and Natural Sciences
Dane Blanchard, sociology instructor
Cynthia Fields, English instructor
Charles Gray, maintenance supervisor
Jim Harris, theatre/speech instructor

15 Years of Service
Mr. Terry Cleaver, surveying instructor
Trevor Mize, graphic/web designer
Dana Strassle, biological & geological sciences instructor

20 Years of Service
Dr. Nanette Berry, mathematics instructor
Traci Caldwell, English instructor
Vicky Lee, financial aid analyst
Traye McCool, history instructor

25 Years of Service
Linda Zambrano, business instructor

30 Years of Service
Genita Whiting, adult education instructor

35 Years of Service
Cindy Thompson, business instructor

To view all the photos visit,


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