Public Invited to 'Workforce Strong' Event Oct. 6

The University of Arkansas Community College at Morrilton invites the public to attend Workforce Strong, a National Manufacturing Day event, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 6. This free event will be located inside the Workforce Training Center on the west end of campus.

“This event has two purposes, with the first being to reach out to eighth- through 12th-grade students and their families and expose them to modern-day career opportunities and the education required for those jobs,” Jessica Rohlman, UACCM’s Director of Workforce Development & Community Education, said. “These are viable, high-wage, high-demand jobs that aren’t what you would think of years and years ago. We are also, in acting as a job fair, reaching the underemployed and unemployed in our area.” 

There will be food and drink available to participants, as well as booths for every hands-on training program offered at UACCM. This includes:

·         Air Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Technology
·         Automotive Service Technology
·         Business
·         Commercial Driver Training
·         Computer Information Systems Technology
·         Drafting
·         Early Childhood Development
·         Emergency Medical Technician
·         Industrial Mechanics and Maintenance Technology
·         Nursing Assisting
·         Practical Nursing
·         Registered Nursing
·         Surveying
·         Welding Technology

UACCM is committed to developing a well-prepared workforce for our community, as well as local businesses and industry partners — several of which will be present for this event, such as Welsco, Inc.; Conway Human Development Center; Hagans Dodge; American Welding Society Lexicon; Prospect Steel; Green Bay Packaging, Arkansas Kraft Division; Mercer Valve Company; and Training Consultants, Inc.

For more information about this event, contact Rohlman at, or at (501) 977-2004. The UACCM Department of Workforce Development & Community Education offers trainings to businesses and industry, as well as classes for enjoyment and lifelong learning.


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