UACCM Chancellor Meets With New ADHE Director

Dr. Maria Markham, the newly appointed director of the Arkansas Department of Higher Education, visited with University of Arkansas Community College at Morrilton’s Chancellor Dr. Larry Davis during a campus tour on Oct. 4.

ADHE Director Dr. Maria Markham meets with UACCM Chancellor Dr. Larry Davis during a campus tour earlier this month.
Markham was appointed to the top position within the agency by Gov. Asa Hutchinson in August, following the recommendation of an ADHE search committee. Since then, she has been visiting several Arkansas colleges and universities to learn more about what they offer their students and service communities.

ADHE manages the state’s scholarship and financial aid programs; recommends higher education and institutional budgets to the legislature; assures academic program quality and viability; provides professional development for faculty and staff; provides educational support to business and industry; provides institutional accountability; and promotes the importance of postsecondary education in enhancing both personal and community quality of life.


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