UACCM Students Place Arkansas SkillsUSA Championship

The University of Arkansas Community College at Morrilton participated in the Arkansas SkillsUSA Championship in Hot Springs, AR.  The competition took place April 12 and 13, and UACCM sent students to represent five of the technical programs. Of these students, the following eight placed in their category.
Architectural Drafting - Jesus Martinez of Conway, Gold
Architectural Drafting - Sidney Cothren of Atkins, Silver
Architectural Drafting - Tyler Weaver of Russelville, Bronze
Automotive Refinishing - Jonathon Vaughan of Jerusalem, Silver
Collision Repair - Austin Thomas of Vilonia, Bronze
Technical Drafting - Jarred Charton of Morrilton, Gold
Technical Drafting - Patrick “Shane” Staggs of Greenbriar, Bronze
Welding - Daniel Bauswell of Clinton, Gold

The National SkillsUSA competition is the next step for Gold winners Jesus Martinez and Jarred Charton.  They are currently in the process of raising the money needed to attend the competition.  For information on donating to this fund, please contact Jayson Millheim at or Courtney Stell at
Robert Keeton, Division Chair for Workforce Training, said, "SkillsUSA competitions help students develop positive attitudes, build self-esteem and empowers them to excel in their career fields.  We are proud of these students and excited about those representing UACCM and competing in the national competitions this summer."

Approximately 1500 students from around the state participated in the Arkansas SkillsUSA Championship.  Of those, approximately 200 will move on to the National SkillsUSA Championship.  According to the SkillsUSA website, “The Championships are competitive events showcasing the best career and technical education students in the nation. Contests begin locally and continue through the state and national levels. The philosophy of the Championships is to reward students for excellence, to involve industry in directly evaluating student performance, and to keep training relevant to employers’ needs.”

For information on UACCM’s participating programs, please visit


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