The University of Arkansas Community College at Morrilton has appointed two new members to its Board of Visitors, Ancel Carlon and Brandon Zinser.

Ancel Carlon                                 Brandon Zinser
Carlon has been a State Farm Insurance agent for almost 45 years and received a Crystal of Excellence Agent award for many years of outstanding service. Carlon was married to the late Joan Wallace Carlon for 44 years. They have three children, Ancel “Chip” Carlon, Jr., Kristi Carlon Strain, and Karri Carlon Gray, and two grandchildren. A native of the Morrilton area, Carlon has served his community for many years. He has been a member of the Morrilton Area Chamber of Commerce since 1969, was president of the Chamber in 1979, and received the Earle Love Business Leader of the Year award in 2009. He served on the Rotary Club for 20 years, is a Kiwanis Club business member, and has served as a deacon and elder at the Downtown Church of Christ.

Zinser is employed as an engineer at CenterPoint Energy in Little Rock. He is also an owner of Environmental Solutions & Services, an oilfield service company, located in Damascus. Brandon earned a Bachelor of Science degree in industrial engineering and an MBA from the University of Arkansas. He serves on the board of directors for Community Service, Inc. and is a member of Sacred Heart Catholic Church. He enjoys playing golf and is currently pursuing his private pilot’s license. Brandon and his wife, Heather, reside in Morrilton.

The UACCM Board of Visitors consists of nine members who are appointed by the University of Arkansas Trustees upon recommendation of the UA System president. The UACCM Board of Visitors represents the College’s six-county service area and serves in an advisory capacity to the UA System Board of Trustees. The Board of Visitors may make recommendations to the UA Board of Trustees concerning tuition, fees, proposed institutional policies, acquisitions and transfer of real and personal property, and the educational programs of the College.


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